I hate moving. I’m not the best with change, and I always panic that I will make a mistake and take something I don’t need, such as my collection of 90s work dresses that I just had to take with me to my new house 14 years ago. I was five months pregnant with my second child and had no plans to return to work at an office anytime soon. At other times I left behind things that I … [Read more...]
49 Is the New 16
It is frequently noted in numerous magazine articles and TV shows that 50 is the new 30. With the calendar flipping closer and closer to October and my half-century birthday, I think I can safely say, that at least for me, this is not true. When I was 30 I lived in a high-rise Manhattan apartment with my husband and our cat. I worked in a beautiful Park Avenue office and … [Read more...]
Life in the Mirror
With very few exceptions, I’ve been partaking in a daily ritual since I was about 16. I’ve performed it in front of an audience of acting students for a class exercise as well as with a dressing room full of other women, and sometimes men, getting ready to go onstage. I’ve even done it in front of a nurse a few hours after giving birth to my first child. Not to mention the … [Read more...]
My Office and Me
One of the things I love the most about writing is that it’s just me and my computer. Some days the words come easily, and my fingers glide quickly over the keyboard. More times than not, it’s like pulling teeth as I sit and stare at the screen, willing something witty and clever to magically appear. No matter how hard or easy it is, I’m the boss. Unlike my previous creative … [Read more...]
Driving Lessons
Being the mom of two teens and a 10-year-old means a fair amount of my time is in my minivan shuttling kids back and forth from various activities. Driving is as much in my job description as are chief meal maker, laundry wrangler, and sibling arbitrator. I’m a mom, I drive. Nothing special or out of the ordinary about that.Or is there? Until the age of 34 I had never, … [Read more...]