I have a guilty pleasure that I don't often confess to: I love reading romance novels. My favorites are those written by Danielle Steel. I’ll admit they’re on the fluffy side, but some days I just need a bit of an escape. Nothing quite does it like losing myself in one of Ms. Steel’s books. They’re an effortless read, and I can polish one off in about an hour if I get … [Read more...]
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
In just a few short days, a war’s going to break out in my otherwise (somewhat) peaceful household. November 1 starts the annual “War of the Christmas Music.” Each year, it’s me against my husband Joe and the three little darlings that I brought into this world, I should add after a collective 36 hours of labor and three C-sections. This year, I’m taking a proactive … [Read more...]
I Feel Nellie’s Pain
Whenever I want to recapture a bit of my youth, all I need to do is get in the back seat of my parents’ car, and I’m instantly transformed to girl of about 15 instead of a married mother of three. I should really do some research to find out if this effect is only on me or if it would work on anyone. Perhaps my parents’ power transcends their own offspring. I could be … [Read more...]
The Best Lesson I Ever Learned
In 13 months I’ll hit the half-century mark. This means that for the next year, I won’t be 49, I’ll be almost 50. Even writing the word 50 to describe myself seems a bit surreal. How is it possible that I’m this old? Wasn’t I just a twenty-something wondering what I was going to do with my life and when would I meet the “one.” I’ve been thinking a lot about that young … [Read more...]
A Season of Renewal
Wednesday was the first day back to school here in our little corner of the world. There were backpacks to fill with a year’s worth of school supplies, snacks to prepare, and forms to sign. I woke up extra early to make sure that everyone’s clothes were laid out and that the morning would go off without a hitch. Then I got busy with the real work of the day. My work. I … [Read more...]