I have a guilty pleasure that I don’t often confess to: I love reading romance novels. My favorites are those written by Danielle Steel.
I’ll admit they’re on the fluffy side, but some days I just need a bit of an escape. Nothing quite does it like losing myself in one of Ms. Steel’s books.
They’re an effortless read, and I can polish one off in about an hour if I get that much time to myself. If not, they can take me about a day.
My husband is well aware of my affection for these books. In fact no holiday is complete, from our anniversary to Super Bowl Sunday, without a gift of one.
Joe was feeling pretty proud of himself when he was at the library a few weeks ago and came across a sale of old books just before my birthday. He bought four Danielle Steel novels for a dollar apiece. He thought he scored a bargain for a great gift.
How lucky could a guy get? That was until he was getting ready for work the other day.
It was early and still pitch black outside as I started to open my very sleepy eyes. The clock read 5:00 am. I was a little surprised to see Joe dressed and putting on his tie at that hour.
“Do you have another trade show today?”
“Yes. Well it’s the same one from yesterday. It’s going on for two days.”
“How was it yesterday?”
“It was a bunch of bankers and lawyers. It was really exciting.”
We both laughed and I started to drift off to sleep when I remembered something.
‘You know that’s how it starts.”
“How what starts?” Joe was in a hurry to catch his train.
“Well first it’s the early morning meetings. Of course I don’t think anything of it because you have always worked hard. I’m already accustomed to you coming home late, so I would never suspect anything. Why would I? I’ve trusted you all these years. Then one day, after the dinner party that I’ve worked all week on in order to help your career, you tell me you’re no longer in love with me, and that you’re leaving me for a younger woman after 25 years of marriage.”
“You read another Danielle Steel book?”
“Yes. Paris’s husband leaves her. Now her kids are all grown, and she has nothing. She is 46 and alone. All alone.”
“I hate when that happens.”
I start laughing when he adds, “I probably shouldn’t have bought you four at one time.”
“Hey, you gave me the book. Were you trying to tell me something?”
“No. Have you read all of them?”
“How long did it take you?”
“A week.”
“I shouldn’t have let you overdose.”
‘I noticed you changed the subject,” I say, laughing. “That’s very clever.”
Joe comes over to the bed, kisses my head, and tells me that he loves me and promises not to leave me for a younger woman after I give a dinner party.
I start to fall asleep again, feeling glad that I married a guy who can still make me laugh after almost 22 years of marriage.
Then I wake up again and remember he also gave me Gone Girl.
Kathy, totally sounds like an early conversation Kevin and I would totally have. Yet again just more we have in common and more reasons why I just adore you 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…The Princesses Love Miss Humblebee’s Academy
Lol!! We are a pair!! xoxo
I’ll admit it too. Danielle Steel novels are my favorite. No wonderful we are such great friends Kathy! xoxo
[email protected] recently posted…Skinny Turkey Taco Chili (Crock-pot or Stovetop)
Nancy I was so excited when you said you loved them too!! We have much to talk about my sweet friend!!! And can I just say again how much fun I had finally getting to hug you in person!! xoxo
Ha! Great punch line Kathy! 🙂
Thanks friend! xoxo
Making each other laugh is a good thing.
Have you ever read Toni Blake? She’s a friend of mine and her romance books are wonderful.
Michelle recently posted…Anxiety: Now With Double Barrel Action!
I have not read her, but now I will!! Thanks!
Kathy, that punch line made me LOL, especially as that’s the book I’m reading right now! Thanks!
Donna Hanton recently posted…Of War and Remembrance
Thanks Donna! ( I actually liked Gone Girl, I saw the movie first though)
Killed it with that last line! Big laughs over here. Thanks for making me smile.
stacey recently posted…When Your Child Invites the Entire World to her Birthday
Thanks so much Stacey! xo
Ha! Love that you have Gone Girl on standby 😉 And binge reading fun books? No sweeter pleasure! To all your books and all the fun conversations that follow!
BWAH HA HA HA HA!! That last sentence made me BURST out laughing!! Is there anything better than a Danielle Steel novel? I will never forget the Kleenex pile my sister had around her bed when she read “Fine Things”. Or maybe it was “Zoya”. This is such a great post!-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Pinterest Nightmare #755: Sign Me Up!
Very cute. 🙂 You might like my favorite author, Diane Chamberlain. http://dianechamberlain.com/about/
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