In six short days, a war is going to break out in my otherwise (somewhat) peaceful household. November 1 starts the annual “War of the Christmas Music.” Each year, it’s me against my husband and the three little darlings that I brought into this world, I should add after a collective 36 hours of labor and three C-sections. This year, I’m taking a proactive stand. I’m … [Read more...]
Being My Teens Mom Not His Friend
Yesterday my husband and I were at a party to celebrate the middle school graduation of one of our son’s classmates and closest friends. I still can’t believe that the same group of boys that kept me up all night at their first sleepover when they were eight are going to be entering high school this September. It’s been an amazing experience watching this group of boys grow … [Read more...]
I Can Be Silent No More
Every now and then I have found myself in a relationship that stopped working for me but for the sake of members of my family I have continued to keep the offending party in my life. I’ll look to see what these relationships can teach me, see where I’m at fault, and do my best to change. But today I have come to the realization that there are some things that just can’t be … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day In All It’s Glory
Mothers Day will soon be here, and everywhere I look I’m bombarded with ads and commercials that picture a happy mother cuddling her baby or getting sloppy kisses from her toddler. The second Sunday of May is often depicted in loving images, with husbands giving beautiful and expensive presents and children making breakfast in bed for mommy. The mother is often portrayed … [Read more...]
That Which Does Not Kill Us…
I’ve found in my 47 years on this earth that I’m so much stronger and capable than I ever thought. I thought I’d die of a broken heart the day I had my first miscarriage 16 years ago. But I didn’t.Three months later, when I miscarried again, the pain was so intense I wondered how I would go on. I did.Two more miscarriages, fertility tests, and talk about us never having a … [Read more...]