Mothers Day will soon be here, and everywhere I look I’m bombarded with ads and commercials that picture a happy mother cuddling her baby or getting sloppy kisses from her toddler.
The second Sunday of May is often depicted in loving images, with husbands giving beautiful and expensive presents and children making breakfast in bed for mommy.
The mother is often portrayed in saintly ways smiling as her kitchen is wrecked by adorable children out of central casting. Perhaps she’s smiling as her befuddled husband tries to get the kids ready for mom’s one big day off and at the end is handed her “prize” of a bracelet or diamond necklace.
I’ll admit that for my first few Mother’s Days I was a little let down that music didn’t play as my kids came in with coffee and homemade cards, or that at the end of cleaning up my children’s latest mess, my husband didn’t look down at my tired, stressed out face, take me in his arms, push the hair out of my eyes and hand me a present to end all presents while my adorable kids giggle in the corner.
I love my life, but it’s much messier than the Madison Avenue version.
If past Mother’s Days are any indication to what will happen next Sunday, I’ll get woken in the middle of the night by a sick child or find an elbow in my face by a kid that has snuck in between my husband and me.
As I clean up the sick child, or try to gently move the intruder back to their own bed, I’ll hear my husband mumble “Happy Mother’s Day” while we both crack up at the way our life turned out.
I’ll go back to sleep only to be woken an hour or two later after one of my sons ask for bacon and eggs. Maybe my eight-year-old will ask if he can join the circus, or live at Grandma’s house. Again I will hear my husband laugh. He’ll tell the kids it’s Mother’s Day and we should let mommy sleep. Again, I’ll go back to sleep laughing.
I will then be woken up another hour or two later to the beautiful peaceful sounds of my daughter screaming my name from my now locked door and my husband yelling, “Let Mommy sleep; it’s Mother’s Day.’”
That will be followed by my husband’s pleas to sign my card and telling someone to stop picking their nose, hitting their brother, or eating the special breakfast that is meant for me.
Then my family will come in my room all smiles.
If I’m really lucky, I may get to hear in no particular order: “Stop hitting me.” “I’m not hitting you.” “You’re a pain in the neck.” (Since we now have a 14-year-old, he may refer to another part of the anatomy when describing his younger brother). “Don’t talk to your brother and sister that way.” But only if I’m really lucky.
There will be my three beautiful children and my husband standing before me with presents, pictures, cards and coffee. My husband will direct each child to give me their present. I will ooh and ah as I hear how they picked out the presents and who tried to make a break for it at the store, or who had a meltdown at the bank because there were no more lollipops.
Then we will have breakfast and go about our day. Maybe we will take a ride to the beach or playground. Maybe we will buy some plants, and I’ll even have a minute to put them in the ground and watch the kids play with the water, getting completely soaked and filthy as they “help” me.
Dinner will be Chinese food and then children will be shooed into the shower and gotten ready for bed.
I will be tired, stressed out and not at all relaxed.
I will look at my husband, laugh and thank him for another great Mother’s day.
And you know what, it will be.
Welcome back 🙂
Thank you dear friend!! 🙂 (You didn’t mention my graphic, were you just being kind? Lol! )
It’s lovely. 🙂
That sounds about right. 🙂
It’s nice to hear from the dishwasher – I hope you are enjoying the respite!
Thanks Catherine! It’s strange to have time to write again. I’m feeling very rusty, thanks so much for the support. I really appreciate it!! xo
My husband won’t even know it’s Mother’s Day, until I tell him he should get his Mom some flowers 🙂
Lol! Alison it’s so true, when you think of it the only people that probably really keep up the day is mom’s making sure other mom’s are having a good day!!!! Thanks so much for stopping by, I really appreciate it!! xx
LOVE it! Mother’s Day, the reality, far exceeds anything Hollywood could ever come up with! And you’re so right, I think I end up working twice as hard on my “day off” as I would any normal Sunday. But, I figure I must have misundersstood the concept. *grin*
Chris you are so right!! It really makes me appreciate my own mom so much more too, I think of all the special days we made for her where I’m sure she ended up doing far more work than she should have!! Happy Mother’s day! xo
You know what the moral of the story is Kathy…..Every day is Mother’s Day! Enjoy! xoxo
Lisa you are so right, every day is Mother’s day!! Wishing you a wonderful Mother’s day too! xo
Yup! This is how Mother’s Day’s REALLY are. 🙂
My 1st Mother’s Day was a real treat as my daughter slept for 6 hours straight (she was only 6 weeks old), but my husband forgot to get me a card. Last year, I got the card. This year, I’m hoping he’ll remember to offer to cook me dinner. It’s always a work-in-progress. 🙂
Dani you are so right it is a work in progress!! You are really getting into the super duper cute years!!! Happy Mother’s day! xo
Sounds like a blessed life and a wonderful Mothers Day to me, my sweet friend. Hope you enjoy every moment. xo
Thank you dear friend!!! I so appreciate your support! xo
So glad to be back at your Evil Dishwasher. lol I’ve missed you.
Thank you so much Debbie! I have missed the evil appliance too!! xo
Kathy, what a great Mother’s Day story and so beautifully written, felt like I was there. It’s truly the way it is when raising kids. Have a grand Mother’s Day and take it easy when you can.
Karen thank you so much for dropping by, I really appreciate the support!!! Happy Mother’s day to you too! xo
that sounds like a fabulous mother’s day!! seriously! last year, i believe one of my kid’s said to me that ‘he had no time to make me a card.” nice, right?! hahaha! you’re husband sounds fabulous! Welcome back!!
I’m waiting for the “I don’t have time for you” day! 14 might be the year, yikes!! Wishing you a wonderful Mother’s day!! xo
He He I thought we were the only family that had Chinese–I just hate dealing with eating out! I’m usualy starving after Church so I want food fast! =)
Thanks so much for dropping by Pamela! Eating out on Mother’s day can really be a hassle!! Wishing you a great day! xo
It sounds like a perfect day, to me – enjoy your precious family!
Thank you so much! Happy Mother’s day to you too!
This will be my 17th Mother’s Day and I haven’t had the Hollywood version yet – and that’s okay by me! Happy Mother’s Day, Kathy!! 🙂
Happy Mother’s day Lisa!!! Thank you so much for dropping by, I really appreciate it! xo
My son comes home from college tomorrow after his freshman year with his sullen attitude. When he was a newborn, I never thought it would be like this. I do have 2 girls who at least try. Very sweet. 🙂 It IS a work in progress. Love your description of Mother’s Day. Hope hubs gives you a back rub!
Cathy I’m not looking forward to the sullen college years!!! Wishing you a great Mother’s day!! Love the idea of a back rub, I will give my husband a few hints! xo
Great post, Kathy! SO TRUE…all of it. That’s EXACTLY how Mother’s Day will go and it will be a good day. You made me laugh then made me say “aw” from the sweetness !! 🙂
Thank you so much!!! It’s funny because as much as I will “complain” it really is fun and I know I will sorely miss it one day! Happy Mother’s day!!! xo
Great post…very accurate. But that’s okay!! It’s what we signed on for (sort of). Found you on the I Hate Monday’s blog hop and am subscribing to your blog. Thanks!!
Of course it will be a great day… every day is Mother’s Day:)
(I know someone’s already said that, but it is definitely my motto too!)
Enjoy the day,