I made sure I looked a little extra pretty today. I took an extra minute with my hair and made sure my eye makeup looked nice, remembering to use a little eyeliner. As I went to get to dressed, I passed on wearing my favorite, if a little raggy, green sweater, for my nicer knit turtleneck.. No weekend-mom attire would do today. I had a date planned with someone very … [Read more...]
Today I Wanted to Run Away
When my kids were younger, I loved reading them the story of The Runaway Bunny. Having a little one all snuggled up on my lap as I told the story of the little rabbit who tells his mom that he wants to run away was always one of my favorite ways to end a long day. My kids would giggle and smile as I would use all the years of acting lessons I had making the story come … [Read more...]
What a Mom Says: A Roundup of the Best Parenting Lines of 2013
Being a mother is the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. I adore it and the three children that employ me.But let’s be honest, at times it’s a thankless job. Just wait til you have to start gifting money to your kids when they get older!Cleaning vomit off of floors, changing diapers, and dealing with other messes that one never imagines when they’re pregnant and dreaming of … [Read more...]
In The Blink Of An Eye
When I became a mom fifteen years ago, I made sure I learned what was the best stroller and carseat to have. I even learnt that you could combine the two in a travel system; you can find great examples at www.strollerbuzz.com/best-car-seat-stroller-combos. Looking at this type of stuff and learning new baby things everyday is daunting. I spent hours reading Consumer Reports and … [Read more...]
One of Those Days
Today was one of “those” days. I woke up to my darling eight-year-old bent over my bed asking me if we really lived in suburbia. When I said yes, he asked if we could change houses and live in an urban area with big buildings. This line of questioning continued all day long. All. Day. Long.My 14-year-old and my husband have spent all day working on a science project recreating … [Read more...]