Lying in bed I feel another contraction. The familiar tightening and release. The same contractions I’ve had for the last four months. The contractions that put me on modified bed rest, didn't allow me to drive, and brought me to the hospital two times in just the last few weeks. I’m hoping this is just another false alarm. I have my bag packed, my Norah Jones CD ready, and … [Read more...]
The Joy of Family
As I look back on my childhood, I realize that many of my best memories came from the shared misery my sisters and I endured. Sharing the back seat of a Volvo for numerous trips to my uncle’s dairy farm, often with bags of cow manure for my father’s organic garden in the trunk. We had to come up with ways to fight the boredom of those five-hour car trips with only two … [Read more...]
Easier to Love?
I adore being a mother. It’s the job I always wanted and one that I feel I’m really good at. Am I the perfect mother? Of course not. I don’t even come close. But I’ve always felt that motherhood fit my personality and talents well. That is, I used to feel that way. This September our eldest child, Tom, started high school and then a few months later turned … [Read more...]
Memories Tied on the Branches of a Christmas Tree
Once again it’s time to break out the box of Christmas ornaments and decorate our tree.According to my Facebook feed, many of you had your trees up and decorated weeks ago. My two sisters had their homes beautifully decorated shortly after Thanksgiving. Their Christmas cards were mailed by December 1. My tree isn’t up, and I'm skipping the Christmas card yet again this year. … [Read more...]
All I Want for Christmas
I love Christmas. The music, the cookies, the excitement of the kids as they think about what they would like Santa to bring them. This time of year can make the kids go a little bit crazy! Thank goodness for learning songs on youtube which can keep them distracted whilst you prepare for the many relatives coming to stay at your home over the holiday period. There’s a magic to … [Read more...]