In a few weeks I will be starting my 51st year on this planet. There are times when this fact amazes me, such as the other night when I went to my oldest son’s back-to-school night at the same high school I attended. As I walked the pale yellow brick hallways searching for his history class, I would have sworn that I was the student in her senior year rushing to her 8th … [Read more...]
The Day I Will Never Forget, Remembering September 11th
Some days I’ll never forget. The events are so etched in my memory I can at once be brought back to the exact feelings I experienced. My wedding day and the births of my three children are days that fill me with joy whenever I think of them. Then there are the days that are just unthinkable, such as September 11, 2001. The panic and grief overwhelmed me as I watched the … [Read more...]
Remembering the Simpler Days of My 1970’s Childhood
As much as I enjoy and appreciate my life as a full-fledged grown up, complete with a mortgage, a husband, and three children, I sometimes find myself longing for the simpler days of my 1970’s childhood. Things like: Laughing so hard that milk shoots out of my nose. Sometimes I could achieve this state of hysteria with just my two sisters, but usually … [Read more...]
A Mom and Her Music (Or What Happens When Your Kids Find Out You’re Not Cool)
A few days ago I was watching a documentary on the 1970’s vocal group, The Carpenters. (It is at this point that I feel compelled to tell you that if after reading this statement you feel the need to quickly get off my page and forget you ever knew me or my possessed dishwasher, I totally understand.) As I was thoroughly enjoying my show my 11-year-old came into my room, … [Read more...]
With Age Comes Wrinkles & if You’re Lucky, Wisdom
When my first child, Tom, was a baby I made sure the two of us got out of the house and went for a walk every day we could. Unless it was raining, snowing, or 10 below, I bundled him up and either put him in a front pack, or his carriage and we would walk the streets of our Queens neighborhood. Often we would stop to get a coffee, (for me, not him) or stop in the market, the … [Read more...]