Yesterday I lost a very dear friend, my little netbook computer. One minute I was happily working away, sending emails, and checking how many likes my latest Facebook status was getting. The next moment it just died. Panic set in. What am I going to do without my computer? What will happen if I don’t obsessively check my Facebook pages, or my blog’s latest page view … [Read more...]
The Girl Who Taught Me How To Spell The Word Love
The bonds of female friendship have been on my mind ever since I finished reading, The HerStories Project, edited by Jessica Smock and Stephanie Sprenger. I’m honored to have a contribution included in this wonderful collection of essays that explores the role that our girlfriends play in our lives. My essay, The United Federation of Moms, deals with my experience of looking … [Read more...]
The Woman Behind The Fence
Throughout my 48 years, I’ve had the good fortune of having some amazing women in my life. Whether it was my acting and choir friends when I was in high school, the girlfriends I had when I was single and living in the city, the coworkers I had in a very small office, or the mom friends I made when I had my kids, my female friendships have helped form who I am today. These … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Sealed with a Kiss
I’ve always loved Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. As a writer and blogger, I love writing about this time of year. In fact the very first essay I ever published was a piece I wrote a week before Thanksgiving on how I was grateful for the cat my husband and I had before we became parents, My Four Legged Mentor. This month alone I have written about Five Reasons I'm … [Read more...]
Five Reasons I’m Thankful I’m not a Turkey
Thanksgiving is a few weeks away, and everywhere I look there are articles on gratitude, recipes for dishes to add to our feasts, and craft ideas to make our homes look more festive. If you spend anytime on Facebook, you may have noticed several of your friends participating in 30 Days of Thankfulness, where people share something they’re grateful for each day. There are … [Read more...]