Panic set in.
What am I going to do without my computer?
What will happen if I don’t obsessively check my Facebook pages, or my blog’s latest page view count. Not to mention Twitter, I just need 100 more followers and I’m up to 2,000. I was even looking into a link in bio of my Instagram that made it easier for people to find my other profiles… This was literally the worst possible timing!
I could feel myself starting to feel faint. The online world is calling and I’m not there. This is a disaster.
Now I can hear my friends saying, Kathy, get a hold of yourself. You’re a mom of three kids, one with significant special needs. You care about global warming, the safety of our children, and the economy. Surely you aren’t going to freak out because of a little thing like your computer dying and having to go offline for a few hours?
Au contraire.
I have to say that it is the little things that can throw me for a loop. Give a me crisis and I’m there with bells on.
Sick parents, problem with one of the kids at school,skylight flooding out my kitchen, no problem.
But change the operating system I have gotten comfortable with for the last three years, and well, now you are talking trouble with a capital T.
What makes all of this even more hysterical is that up until three years ago, if you said that I would be comfortable on the web, I would have thought you were talking about a spider’s home.
And that would have seemed more plausible to me than the idea that I would become a social media addicted blogger and writer.
I didn’t even have an email address until the fall of 2010, and I did that only because our children’s schools had gone paperless and the only way I could find about the latest fundraiser or whether there was a pajama day on Friday was if I added a dot com at the end of my name.
Of course that’s all it took, one little email address. That and the fact that now all three of my kids were in school full-time and I finally had a few hours on my hands without someone asking me to buy Oreos or needing me to get them down from the top bunk bed.
One day I was dusting the living room, and I saw it, the computer in our dining room. The one the kids played with.
The last time I had worked on a computer, the year was 1998, the same year I left the paid workforce and became a stay-at-home-mom.
I wasn’t even a little tech-savvy. And I sort of liked it that way.
As I stared at the computer, I thought about my desire to start writing. I figured what the heck and armed with my new email address I went on a parenting site that Family Circle sponsored and responded to a comment. A few people “liked” what I wrote, and I was hooked.
The site had a place where you could start your own blog. I did and I haven’t looked back since.
The editors on the site were nice enough to put my little essay about my cat on their Facebook page. I broke my promise to never, ever become one of “those people” and joined because, well, I had to see how many people were liking my essay. Didn’t I?
Every time I saw another like my heart beat a bit faster. Thirty people liked what I had to say! It might as well have been 30 million. I was beyond excited.
After I wrote my first piece my husband decided I needed my own computer and about a week later he brought home one of the best presents I have ever gotten. My little black netbook.
It wasn’t fancy but it did the trick. I could write my essays, check Facebook and something called Twitter, and start on the road of becoming a blogger.
That my husband has been one of my biggest supporters has always meant the world to me. When he gave me my first computer, I knew that he believed in me and my writing ability. That fact has gone a long way in helping me believe in myself, even on days when it seems that nobody but he, the kids, and a few of my die-hard friends are the only ones reading my blog.
So it was with some sadness that I say goodbye to the little computer that started me on this new adventure. I will miss you and your scratched cover and the small crack on the side. You helped me get comfortable with my new role as a mom to older children and made me realize that even an old (or at least mid-life) dog could learn a new trick or two.
I can so relate to this! Very little stresses me out like having to learn new technology! I’m so glad you became a blogger, Kathy — I love reading your posts and being part of your community. Can’t wait to meet you IRL, hopefully soon! xo
Thank you so much Lois! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who stresses out over new technology! I really feel as if I moved homes!! I can’t wait to meet you IRL too! xo
It’s true. You are never to old to learn, IF you are motivated! Blogging and being recognized is for certain motivating.
Three years seems to be the life of any PC. I’m going with a Mac next time. My laptop is agonizing daily and hunting at failure and has reached the three year birthday…so I’m pre-shopping!
Next time I might bite the bullet and go for the Mac too, for now I’ll try to get comfortable with my new PC! I’m sure in no time I will get use to it, but now it just feels very strange! Lol! Happy Shopping!
Hi Kathy,
It’s amazing how one little circuit board can impact your life, isn’t it. My smartphone is going on 3yrs old and it’s starting to peter out on me. I DREAD the day! Thanks for sharing some of your blogging history. I’m an inspired newbie and a big fan!
Hi Jennifer, nice to meet you! Ah, the smart phone, I just got my iPhone 5 a few months ago, up till then I was just on a good old fashioned cell. I really do hold on till I’m forced to change!!! Lol! Thanks so much, what is your site, I would love to check it out. 🙂
How are you getting along with the I-phone, Kathy? My android is in intensive care so I know it won’t be long before I have to say goodbye. I’m torn between sticking with what I know and trying out the I-phone. Decisions! Decisions! I’m over at Please stop by anytime! It’s open 24/7.:)
Jennifer McCullough recently posted…2014 Erma Bombeck Writing Competition LOSER!
Jennifer I love the iPhone and I wasn’t expecting too. I have really become a bit addicted to it. I do still need my teenager to help me with some of it, but I’m getting the hang of it!! Thanks so much for hopping over here, I am going to be heading over to you right now. Great your open 24/7!! Lol!
Awww! I totally felt myself getting all teary-eyed reading this. I am someone who gets very attached to things, so I definitely know what you mean. Thank goodness your hubby gave you that computer, because the world needs your voice and words my friend. :)-Ashley
I love you!!! Thank you so much!! I do get so attached to things, I really, really, hate changing.Glad to know I’m in good company with you!! xoxo
I feel you. I was editing the last chapter of my first book when my old pc crashed.
My husband surprised me with a laptop and it took me so long to fall in love with it.
It is getting easier to learn new technology but I don’t like it…
Yikes, that’s got to be one of my worst nightmares!! Why do our beloved computers leave us when we need them the most!!! Lol! I totally agree with you, I’m getting better at learning new technology, but I don’t like it either!! 🙂
Since I work in the tech world, I don’t relate but understand how something new can be stressful. I was that way with pilates but now I love it. What are you going to get to replace that netbook?
Kay it’s funny because both of my sisters don’t get stressed out with new technology at all, in fact they both are always on the cutting edge, as is my dad. I guess I just didn’t get that gene!! Lol! As to what I replaced my dinky netbook with, I just replaced it with a new, dinky Toshiba laptop. One day I will spend the real money and get a Mac, but right now I’m going with the bare basics. 🙂
I love this! Truly. I get it. I mean, I was tech-savvy when I joined FB finally, but it’s so true. The world cannot go on without our little laptops/tablets/smartphones!
I’m glad you shared this because it made me :D! btw, did I see you comment somewhere that you’re from LI? Or in LI? I’m from NY and went to school on LI, so I was curious. 🙂
Yes I am from New York, we live in East Northport right now (the same place I grew up), but I lived in NYC for 14 years. Where did you go to school?
I’m impressed that you were tech savvy, I don’t think anyone will ever call me that, but I do love learning about it and that is something I never thought I would say. I just don’t like change!! Lol!
I am totally dreading the day my desktop crashes. Although I have been lucky and had most of them last me roughly 5 years or so. While I have a tablet making a post on them is like pulling teeth for me so I will always have a laptop or desktop. I would probably go crazy if I didn’t have my internet space as well. .
I was surprised how sad I was!!! It really felt like I lost a friend! I am getting use to this new one though, and I agree, I would go nuts without my space on the web! I’m sending good vibes for your desktop, long may it live!! 🙂
I’ve become a big techie for someone “my age”. More tech-savvy than either of my adult children. Last year I treated myself to a Macbook and love it! Based on what I see here it would seem that you got rolling very quickly!
I’m very impressed! I can’t see myself being more tech savvy than my teen, but I am sort of keeping up with him, at least with the social network aspect of things! One day I will treat myself to a Mac, I was looking at them yesterday when I bought my new laptop and they are beautiful!! 🙂 (Never thought I would say that about a computer!! Lol! )
I just ordered a new and improved laptop this weekend and hope to get it by mid-week after which I’ll obsessively be transferring files and setting it all up. I too have become obsessed with the world of technology, but like you, I love it. Glad to hear I’m not the only one…..
Claudia I wish I had backed up my files, I use Google Docs a lot, so I had a lot stored on the cloud, but I did lose some pictures which is a bummer!! Good luck with your new laptop. I never thought I would love it so much!! It is good to know I’m not alone!! 🙂
so sorry about your laptop. we get so attached to our things and especially our things that hold our connection to our writing and friends. but you’ll see, once you get your new computer, you’ll get with the program quickly. it’s amazing what we can do that we never thought we could. i’m still fascinated i have a blog! and you’ve got a teen to help you. 🙂
I’m getting use to my new “friend” but I really do hate change. You are right about having a teenager, I would be lost with my iPhone without him!! Thanks! ox
RIP your laptop. I have gone to a MAC and won’t go back.
One day I will really spring for a MAC, I have heard from everyone who has one that they love them and would never go back!!! Thanks for the condolences!! Lol!
Computers and technology used to stress me out. The earlier blog platforms were a pain to be mild. Then they modernized and I discovered Mac’s!
Saw that you’re from East Northport–one of my BFF’s lives there. I’m originally from Jericho
One day I will find my way to a MAC!!
One of your BFF’s live in ENPT? How cool is that!! We will have to chat about that, it would be funny if we knew each other!
oh my gosh Kathy – I SO relate to this! I had to laugh because that is me completely. When there is a threat of loss of power in this house, we all scramble to charge our devices before disaster kicks in! When Hurricane Sandy happened, we hunkered down in the car to charge our devices in the car. We have our priorities, right? 😉
OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO GOOD! You pulled so much into this essay, Kathy. I just loved it.
Jean you so sweet!! Thank you so much!! xo
Linda during Hurricane Sandy I thought I was going to faint!!! I agree, a girl has to have her priorities!! Lol! Thanks so much for dropping by! xo
What a sweet, sweet, bittersweet goodbye–to a very good friend indeed. Loved this story, Kathy!
Thanks so much Meredith!! xo
I have sooo been there! Once I actually screamed at some poor guy at tech support who was trying to help me get adjusted to my new laptop that if the damn thing didn’t start behaving, I was going to launch it out the window. I changed laptops again in 2011 when my Vaio died .. and then my backup PC laptop died. Both fried in the same week. Talk about tragic. I took it as a sign that I was meant to switch to a Mac. I grabbed a MacBookPro and left on a business trip. I’ve never looked back. It took a few days to develop the “muscle memory” for Mac use rather than PC. But now that I’ve gone Mac, I’ll never go back. 🙂 — Norine