As hard as it is for me to believe, this March my husband and I will celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary. We’ve been together for more than 26 years, and to be honest, it’s hard for me to remember a day when he wasn’t in my life.
I know it sounds super corny to admit this, but meeting Joe was the best thing that ever happened to me. Being with a person who truly loves and respects me for who I am has made it easy to do things that once scared me.
Joe was the first person I ever told that I wanted to be a writer and start a blog. He didn’t laugh at me. He didn’t remind me that I had been out of the paid workforce for 11 years raising our three kids. He didn’t point out that I didn’t even have an email address and knew nothing about starting a blog. He said, “Great, you should do it.”
Just like he did years before when I said that because of my dyslexia, I would never type, drive, or go to college. I did all of them with his support.
The truth of the matter is, I would never have even given this man the time of day if I hadn’t learned one really important lesson when I was a 23-year-old girl living alone in a tiny NYC studio apartment: Don’t purposely slam your finger in a door.
Need a little more detail?
The year was 1988, and in the words of Waylon Jennings, I was looking for love in all the wrong places. I dated so many frogs looking for Prince Charming that I was beginning to think that all men were at least a little shade of green. Perhaps I was being too picky. What’s a wart or two?
In fact there was a particular frog that I had given not one, but several chances to hop all over my heart.
This guy had the habit of coming into my life, turning it upside down with talk of love and promises, and then without a call or explanation leave once again.
I thought he was finally gone for good, but as I came home from work one night and started listening to my messages, I stopped cold in my tracks.
It was him. His voice filled with charm, telling me that only I could make his birthday special. He missed me. I meant so much to him.
I’m not going to lie, I wanted to call him back without even putting my groceries away. But I didn’t. I put some of the therapy I had been receiving to good use and took a moment to think before I did anything.
I got out of my work clothes and went into the bathroom to freshen up. Maybe a little cold water would shock me back to reality and remind me that it had just taken me two months to get over the last time he hopped in and then out of my life.
As I left my bathroom staring at the answering machine wondering what I should do, I accidentally slammed my finger in the doorway.
Pain shot through my whole body and tears streamed down my face.
Several four-letter words escaped from my mouth. The pain was blinding.
And then it happened. Like a bolt of lighting I got struck with a thought that has helped guide my life ever since: Would I ever purposely slam my finger in a door?
No. Of course not, it hurt way too much. I would have to be crazy.
Ah, the bell rang. Ding, ding, ding. THEN DON’T CALL HIM BACK! You will only get your heart slammed again.
I never did.
That was the beginning of making much better choices for myself, and not just in my romantic life.
About a year and a half later I learned my second best lesson, If you meet a person across a crowded room and you are instantly attracted to them, run the other way.
A few weeks after that important lesson, I went on a blind date with a very nice guy who made me laugh. After our first date I told my roommate that while I had fun, this wasn’t the guy I would marry. Still, I said yes to a second date, and as they say, the rest is history.
This is a reworking of a piece that was first published on the Dishwasher, September 14, 2014, under the title, The Best Lesson I Ever Learned.
Aw, loved this as I could so relate as before I met my husband, t also dated my fair share of frogs by far. One of which similar to how you described would play a disappearing act and then resurface like a bad penny more often than not. I gave him more chances than he, too, ever deserved. I finally snapped out of it the last time he contacted me. Then, I also finally wised up that I deserved better and that I wasn’t going to settle for less. A few months later, I met my now-husband and the rest is now history, too here 🙂
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I didn’t know you had a similar path. No wonder we are friends! xo
What a fantastic story. You’re right…why keep slamming your finger in the door?
Thank you! I think about that lesson whenever I’m doing something that I realize is not working!! xo
Kathy that was a great Post and i remember the story well! So happy fior you! 24 years! Wow! Love you Mom
Thanks mom! xo
Kathy – the ability to make your partner laugh is one of the greatest qualities a man can have. After nearly 23 years Bob still makes me laugh! Congrats to you and Joe and happy anniversary!
I so agree!!!!! Congrats on your upcoming anniversary too! xo
Yes to the first lesson. So glad you stopped slamming your finger in that particular door. Don’t know about the second, though. Met my husband on a (crowded) train back in the 90s and thought he was hot stuff…
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…Life Lessons You Never Dreamed You’d Have to Teach (Until You Had Kids)
My sister met her husband on a train too!! I think that rule is only applicable if you are always picking the wrong people. Thanks so much for stopping by! xo
Read this on Huffington Post and as a fellow blogger made sure I came to visit your website. Thanks so much for the message! As a late 30s single woman, I’m still learning and growing. Wonderful post!
Thanks so much for the visit, I really appreciate it. I’m going over to check out your site now! xo
Couldn’t have read this at a better time. Hope to be as strong and as smart as you Miss.
Such a beautiful story. Someday I bet your memoirs will be a book – I can’t wait to read!
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