Five years ago I sat down at my kids’ computer and started to connect with the online world. I found a Family Circle website and replied to a few posts. Each time a comment of mine got a like, I experienced a high I’d never known before.
It didn’t take long before I started my own blog on one of the site’s platforms. When the very first piece I did, on the recent loss of our cat Samantha, was featured on their Facebook page, I couldn’t believe people I didn’t know were reading words I wrote, taking the time to say they related to my piece, and enjoyed my writing. I was completely hooked. For the first time since having my kids, I found something that completely engaged and excited me. A few weeks later I moved my blog to its own platform and started to consider myself a blogger.
Everyone in my life was thrilled that I had found something that brought me so much joy and satisfaction.
Everyone but my kids.
At first they were excited for me. They were even impressed that the old gal could learn a new trick. Up until this point it never occurred to them that I could type, let alone use a computer.
Very quickly the awe and even pride my kids felt at watching me do something new was replaced with cries of, “when are you getting off our computer?”
The cries came the loudest from my daughter Lizzy, who was eight at the time. Her significant special needs have always included an extremely hard time with communication. Phrases such as “Mommy, you sure like that computer,” soon grew into demands of, “Mommy, get off my computer now.”
Always delighted whenever she spoke, I would smile and let her know that it was great that she was using her words so well, but we don’t speak to people that way. Then I would go back to my writing.
Tom, my oldest, knew something had really started to change a few weeks later, when I very uncharacteristically threw in the towel after our fifth attempt at the annual Christmas picture failed.
“But Mom, you ALWAYS make getting this picture such a big deal.”
“I know honey, but why don’t we just give ourselves a year off? It will be fine.” I then started to sing an ad libbed song, “The Year Without a Christmas Card,” to the tune from an old TV special I remembered from childhood.
“This is not like you at all. You are only doing this because of that blog. You want something to write about for next week.”
I honestly hadn’t thought about it, but he had a great point. This would make an excellent story. I always knew that boy was a genius.
But the most heartbreaking reaction came from my youngest, Peter, who was five at the time my blog came into our lives.
“Mommy, I hurt my toe. I need a band-aid.”
I looked up from the computer and gave him my sweetest mommy smile. I checked out his toe, which showed no signs of trauma, and comforted him with a big, long, hug. Then I went back to work.
After several failed attempts to elicit sympathy or attention from me, he had finally had enough.
“Mommy, I’ll see you later. I’m going to the nurse.”
He has always been gifted in the art of guilt.
A lot has changed in the five years since I started my site. I no longer use the family computer. I have my own. And I do a much better job of balancing the demands of my blog with my kids’ needs. Though it still can be a struggle at times.
But the biggest change has been with me. After being a stay-at-home-mom for 12 years, I had misplaced a part of myself. And I hadn’t even noticed. I was so attuned to my kids’ needs that I really let my own slide. Finding my passion and joy in writing breathed new life into this mom of three and wife to one.
The real addition to our lives hasn’t been my blog or my burgeoning career as a writer. It’s been me. And it’s turned out to be one of the best gifts I could give not only myself, but my kids too.
I couldn’t love this more, Kathy and seriously think you know I can so relate with my blog and my family, as well here. Thanks for saying what I most definitely feel here, as well tonight xoxo <3
Janine Huldie recently posted…Say Goodbye to Dark Circles Under Your Eyes VIIcode Eye Mask
Yes! This is why I started to blog this past March. I needed to reclaim a piece of myself again. I am currently writing about my life experiences from decades ago with the occasional current life post. It has been cathartic for me. I have also found myself brushing the kids off when I am in the middle of writing a post or reading something by a new friend. It’s over due.
Bryce Warden recently posted…Keep on Truckin”…….Part 7
I love this so much. And I am thrilled you discovered your writing talent!
michelle recently posted…Getting Bullied By Ola The Great
I love reading about other people’s writing/blogging journeys. Helps me remember why I got started!
DudeMom recently posted…How to Pack A Suitcase: Tips for The Stylish Traveler
Great post Kathy! I can’t bieve it’s been five years ! Congratulations !
We love you and I’m so proud of your writing! It’s a gift and I’m glad your using it
Love Mom And Dad
Kathy you are so right! Blogging is really a gift you give to yourself! That’s how I feel about my blog!
Perfectly said Kathy! One of the best days of my life after (births and wedding) was the day I started my blog. I sent a story to Alzheimer’s Reading Room and people loved it and wanted to read more of my stuff. I couldn’t tell them where to go because I didn’t know what URL meant! I was so stupid back then haha! I had never even been on Facebook before! Then I started and I made fantastic friends like you and things have never been the same! I believe it’s made me a better person. I know a much happier one for sure!
Rena I didn’t realize we had so much in common. I only joined Facebook so I could read the comments on the Family Circle page. I knew nothing about blogging!!!! Everything I have learned has come from trial and error and really good online friends!!! Love to you! xo
Kathy Radigan recently posted…A Gift to Myself
I love this Kathy. I am so proud of you! What an amazing accomplishment! Miss you much, how your kids have grown…they are all so beautiful. xoxo <3
Thank you so much!!!!!! What a great surprise to see your name!! xoxo
Nice to see you on here as well!! Looking forward to staying more connected!! 🙂
Really loved this. As a fellow blogger, I know what its like to go into the writing stupor that no one can seem to rouse me out of. I find myself shushing everyone too much when I’m engrossed in a post, but sometimes that’s how it goes. I also notice my husband and sons also get a kick out of me writing about them. Maybe blogging’s a double-edged sword for family members!
Laurie Stone recently posted…6 Horrors of Women’s Fitting Rooms (and How to Escape Them)
Love! I’ve learned so much about myself blogging.
Alison recently posted…How To Celebrate Christmas with a Plain Red Cup
I wish I had started blogging long before my empty nest – I think it would have been a great boost for those stay-at-home mom years. Congratulations to you!
It has been such a rewarding thing to do for yourself, my friend. I’m so very proud of you! You are a beautiful writer and usually find to bring in your infectious humor. I’ve cried reading your posts and laughed our loud with gusto! And for me, the the best part of you blogging has been our fabulous friendship. If we both didn’t blog, we never would have met each other. With lots of love and congratulations Kathy!!! xoxo
[email protected] recently posted…Super Easy, Low Calorie Breakfast Quiche
Agree! You put into words exactly why I started blogging myself. Congrats on the 5 years!