The last few days, my nine-year-old, Peter, has been doing such a good job of driving me crazy that I swore he was trying to actually bug me to death.
His barrage of questions and requests for everything from going to the beach in the pouring rain, to begging me for a magic wand to turn him into a teenager like his older brother, had me scraping the bottom of the barrel for whatever was left in my mommy reserves.
In my fifteen years of being a stay-at-home-mom, I’ve had my share of tough days.
It’s not easy to be the primary caregiver of three kids. Especially with a husband who starts his long commute into NYC around 7 each morning and usually doesn’t get home till past 9 each night.
I know I’m not alone. Any time I talk to one of my mom friends, I hear the same thing. Caring for children can make even the most serene and experienced of us turn into babbling fools.
As I was dealing with Peter the other day, wanting to tear every hair out of my head, I thought back to a time about three years ago when I was in a similar position.
The kids and I were eating dinner together, and each one of my darlings was doing their best to see who would win most annoying child of the year. I was completely out of patience and was dangerously close to losing it.
Then something just clicked from deep within me.
Using all the years of vocal training my parents paid for, I sang in my best soprano voice: Tom don’t argue with me… Peter eat like a human… Lizzy use real words,
The top opera divas had nothing on me that night.
The kids stopped in their tracks and looked up at me as if they had finally succeeded in driving the old lady insane.
Then they really knew I lost it when I insisted that for the remainder of the meal, any request or complaint needed to be sung.
I must have looked serious because they complied, and for a few minutes we had our own little production of “Mommy’s finally flipped.”
Suffice it to say, we all started laughing. And I got through another meal without selling one of my children to the circus.
The next day I knew our little production made an impression on Lizzy, my special needs daughter, when I got a note home from her teacher.
Apparently Lizzy had gotten frustrated when she couldn’t move her chair to her satisfaction, but instead of screaming, she started singing this fact in what sounded like opera.
I couldn’t stop laughing when I read: Isn’t that funny Kathy, where could she have picked that up?
Where indeed?
I was glad I remembered that night as I was dealing with Peter because just as I was that night, I was desperate. Taking a page from my strategies-of-last-resort-book, I started making very silly faces at him. Then I made every goofy sound I could think of.
This was enough to shock Peter out of his mood, and he started to crack up. As did Lizzy who was watching me carefully.
The mood changed instantly. I felt better and so did Peter. We were then able to pick up Tom from his friend’s house, and the rest of the night went on without anything too stressful.
Days like this make me very grateful that I have always managed to do a few things to keep my reserve tank from hitting below empty.
For me that includes seeing a therapist to talk over parenting strategies and to keep a handle on my own stress and issues in my life. As well as taking the medication that is prescribed for me to deal with my anxiety.
I’m also lucky enough to have the support of my husband and a host of friends and family that I can call upon when I’m feeling as if I might lose it. And when they’re not available I use my online friends and let them know I am in danger of losing the few remaining brain cells I have left.
I firmly believe it takes a village to not only raise a child, but to raise a mom. And I’m very grateful for mine.
Kathy, I just love and adore you. Seriously, I couldn’t help smiling reading this and was totally picturing Lizzy singing her requests to her teacher. But yes you are so right it does take a village to help raise us parents, too! Hugs 😉
Janine Huldie recently posted…Friday On My Mind AAF Style!!
Boy do I understand this feeling! It sounds like you have found some much better strategies than me (ones that work). On the days that I just snap: “You, start acting like an adult. You, stop bugging me, I don’t want to lose it with you. You, can you just stop acting your age for two minutes while I pull myself together”… I regret it. I really really feel terrible. I also love how helpful and well behaved everyone is for a few minutes.
Love the opera singing at school!
Robin recently posted…To Label My Child
Great strategies, Kathy! Kids have an amazing ability to get on your last remaining nerve, and it’s good to know you have an “out.”
Karen recently posted…Send Wendy walking…to Tudeley
I grew up in a family that sang instead of talking much of the time! I often used humor to diffuse my kids bad moods when they were growing up – a painless way to change the atmosphere. Brava!
Sharon Greenthal recently posted…Driving Lessons From My Father
Thanks so much Sharon! I love that you were raised that way, that’s wonderful!
I hear this!! and i’ve tried similar tactics which sometimes work and sometimes don’t. it’s amazing all the crazy we need to keep us sane!!
Ice Scream Mama recently posted…Lost Pride and Parking Spots
I would be lost without the crazy, and I am amazed at it can really change the vibe in the family! Thanks! xo
You have amazing coping skills Kathy. Even though it gets tough at times, your playfulness makes it not only manageable but so much fun for your kids. Your kids will remember these crazy fun times forever. Love you!
[email protected] recently posted…Chili Cheese Fries Made Guilt-Free (Taco Style)
Thanks Nancy! Love you too! xoxo
Only seasoned parents can have such creativity, so congratulations to you, my friend! Humor does help a lot during those crazy times!
Joy recently posted…Why Dying At 75 Is Worth Considering
Joy it’s either seasoned parents or crazy parents and I really don’t know what category I belong in!! Lol! xo
You must be the most fun mom on the planet, despite the crazies and the good and bad days. Now that I FINALLY met you, I can honestly say that you are a gem. Of course I knew that before I met you, but now? You are a GEM of a mom! xo
Cathy recently posted…My Weeklong Love Affair With The Newest Honda Accord
Cathy I am totally showing my kids your comment because I think they would disagree!! Lol! xoxo I am so glad I finally got to meet you too. You are gorgeous inside and out!! xo
You are brilliant, Kathy. I’m going to, um, steal this idea from you very soon.
Lori Lavender Luz recently posted…The Grown Up Room
Lori steal away!!! Let me know how it works! xo
Ah yes I remember those days…not so fondly! Kidding but when my youngest was 10 I got my niece when she was 4 days old and she lived with us until she was 6. By this time I had been around the mom block a few times and being older and wiser and a little more patience she was getting bad at temper tantrums so one day she flung herself down kicking and screaming so I shrugged my shoulders and did the exact same thing. Kicking,screaming the whole works. She was so stunned! She never did it again.
Rena McDaniel recently posted…A DAY WITH ALZHEIMER’S AS A CAREGIVER
Rena I love that story!!! Thanks so much for sharing! xo
Love your creative solutions. I say either go for the laugh or the crazy. You found both ya rascal
Kymberlyfunfit recently posted…Do THIS if you want to Get Fit, Lose Weight, Live Longer, Destress
Thanks so much Kymberly!! I think it helps that I am a bit crazy! Lol!
Oh my yes, a village indeed. Am a firm believer in the power of good girlfriends to validate all those moments…and since I love you to pieces, I am here to tell you that I so related to every part of this post. Adding singing to my arsenal…it would definitely shock my children! :)-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…25 Things You Don’t Know About Me
I love you too my friend!! Totally add the singing, it so works and if nothing else makes you feel better! xoxo
I am SO going to remember this! What a great idea! I’ll bet I’ll be able to put it to use tonight when I’m trying to get Tucker to go to bed. I wonder what he’ll do when I start singing it! 🙂
Kristi Campbell recently posted…I’m Thankful for Colorado
Kristi I have to say it’s been such a life saver!! I also will speak in a foreign language. I pull out anything I can!! Lol! You will have to let me know what Tucker thinks!! xoxo
“I got through another meal without selling one of my children to the circus.” Kathy, I love you. And you are a really neat, good mom. And holy crap those are long days for you while your husband is at work! Keep rocking it, friend–you totally are. xo
Meredith recently posted…Book Club and The Memory Box
Meredith you are so sweet, thank you! I am always glad when I get through a meal without selling someone to the circus!! Lol! Love you too! xoxo
My reserves have held out so far, as well, and like you, I sometimes have to rely on others to save me from losing my marbles. We’re pretty lucky, aren’t we?
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