My bed feels so warm and comfortable. I feel my husband's leg on mine and realize there are no children in our bed. I take a deep breath. I'm so tired that I keep slipping in and out of sleep, hearing the noises that are going on in the rest of the house without the supervision of mom and dad.I think about cuddling with my husband and would if I could only manage to move my … [Read more...]
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Weekends are always a readjustment for me and the kids. My husband commutes into the city and frequently does not get home until 9:00. Dinner during the week is just me and the three kids.Over the years, we have developed a rhythm and rituals as to how our weekday family meals go. Of course, it's my job to do most of the serving and cleaning, and I'll often say, "Mommy is … [Read more...]
A Great Gift
Last week I found myself in a bit of a twilight zone moment. My 12-year-old son, Tom, was not acting like himself. He was acting, dare I say... like me."Tom, can you please help your sister with her seat belt?" We were running around as usual, and I have come to depend on the hand that Tom can give me with his younger brother and sister."Lizzy, do your seat belt, and, I don't … [Read more...]