Can you learn from a kitchen appliance? I imagine most people would laugh at this question. After all it is just an appliance. That is of course unless it's my possessed dishwasher, then you can learn an awful lot.I realized this last year when it occurred to me that it had been a year since the dishwasher and I met and my lessons began. Now with the dishwasher and I coming up … [Read more...]
The dishwasher gets the last word
When I decided to start an online magazine with my partner, Val Curtis, I knew it was going to affect my children and my husband. My time was already stretched. How was I going to do all I had to do, plus put together a completely new magazine? Day by day, we're learning to handle my new schedule. My husband has been very supportive of my dream. Dishes in the sink? … [Read more...]
My Dishwasher My Muse
Yesterday my husband woke me up with some disappointing news. Apparently our possessed dishwasher died or slipped into a coma.Never being one to believe anything that Joe tells me regarding the health of an appliance, I quickly went to check on the patient myself.I jiggled the door. I tried to rebalance it. I pushed every button I could.No luck.Not one light went on. No odd … [Read more...]