Like all new moms I felt my beautiful son was perfect. Yet I could not shake the feeling that something was not right with him.
He was bright, alert and even used sign language to communicate, but he was not speaking. And not crawling, even though he was nine months old.
I mentioned this to our pediatrician and I was told that babies don’t crawl much these days and boys tend to speak later than girls.
Needless to say, I found another doctor.
Tom started to receive speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy and started to make wonderful progress. It wasn’t always easy and I had many sleepless nights, but by the time he was three, I was thrilled I listened to my gut. I felt like, “Super Mom,” able to handle any problems that may come up as we happily expanded our family.
Then we had our daughter Lizzy and all bets were off. I didn’t feel super anymore.
This week on Bonbon Break I share some of the lessons I have learned as the mother of three wonderfully diverse children in my essay, When Something Doesn’t Seem Right, and how I have learned that sometimes, mother knows best.
I hope you come over and not only read my post, but all the other wonderful work we have from some amazing contributors!
As always I thank you for your support!