I really felt like we won the lottery when I finally held my beautiful son in my arms. Three years later our happiness more than doubled with the birth of our daughter, Lizzy.
Then we got the shock of our life when we found out that we were expecting again! Peter joined and completed our family eight years ago, and my dreams of being a family of five came true.
I’m extremely grateful for my beautiful children.
On days when I’m feeling more stressed out than blessed, I always remind myself that I would never, ever, trade my best day before children for my worst day with my babies. And, it’s true.
But, I must confess that the last few weeks I have been feeling a bit cranky. Summer is here, the days are longer and since my husband commutes into the city Monday through Friday, I am alone from 6:00 in the morning till around 9:00 at night. It’s a long day.
Especially when my adorable eight year old is asking me to read the name of every crayon he puts in front of me. Not only can he read them himself, he has much better eyesight than I do.
I thought I was hiding my less-than-perfect mood from my kids, but now I’m starting to think the jig is up.
Today, as I’ve been struggling to come up with something to write about, I did what I often do when I have writer’s block, I beg, I mean ask, my kids what I should write about.
Though the three of them did not know what the other said each gave me the same answer, “write about how much you love me.”
It pains me to know that my children would take my bad mood as anything more than just that.
I don’t want my kids to ever doubt, even for one second, how much I adore them.
I love being their mother. It’s the best job I have ever had. Ever.
I learned a long time ago that if I want to feel better, I should focus on what’s right in my life. I’m taking their advice. This post is all about how much I love Tom, Lizzy and Peter.
Tom, was my first introduction to not only motherhood but to boys. Being one of three girls, I knew nothing of circumcision care or peeing standing up. I also didn’t know how to change a diaper, dress a baby, or get a very wobbly head through the tiny opening of a onesie He was a trooper through it all.
I now know about the Beatles, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley and every other piece of Rock ‘n Roll history known to mankind all because of him. I am also counting on him to teach me about my brand new iPhone 5.
He is sweet, funny, and a wonderful big brother. He is also the child that is most like me, right down to his dyslexia and his inability to tell his right from his left. Not only am I honored to be his mother, I am thrilled that I get to spend every day with him.
Lizzy will always be special because she is our only daughter, and because of that is the princess in the family. It’s a role she fully embraces.
It is impossible to not be charmed by her. The fact that she has significant special needs and has to deal with things no child should breaks my heart but it never once breaks her spirit.
Lizzy is my ticket to all that is girly. She has more Barbies than any child really needs and has only wanted to wear dresses since she was a baby. She also loves to run, climb and play in the dirt, preferably with a tiara.
When she’s happy, I can’t help but be happy too.
And then there is Peter, who will always be special because he’s my bonus kid and the one that nobody thought was possible.
I know God sent him to us for comic relief. He makes me laugh, smile and want to pull every hair out of my head, occasionally all at the same time. He is the most like my husband, who as it turns out can also make me smile, laugh and pull my hair out all at the same time.
Watching all three of my kids play, laugh and be kind to each other can make even the worst day better.
Life can get crazy. Schedules that never seem to lighten up, to-do lists that never seem to get completed, and a host of issues that really seem above my pay grade can wear me down.
Today I am very grateful that listening to three very sweet kids can make a cranky day so much better.