It’s not easy owning a possessed appliance, especially one that decides to die.
Thankfully, we have a service agreement until 2015.
I wasn’t thrilled, but I changed my schedule for Tuesday so I would be home when the repairman came.
As luck would have it, it’s now after three. My first-grader and third-grader, Peter and Lizzy, are now off the bus. I still have to pick up my seventh-grader, Tom.
I was really hoping that the guy would have come and left by now. Because the dishwasher isn’t working at all this might take a while. I was not relishing the idea of keeping the kids out of the kitchen while the crazed appliance was being fixed.
Thankfully it only takes a few minutes to pick up Tom. I decide to not even leave a note on the door.
Peter and Lizzy board the minivan. I make sure to bring snacks because experience has taught me that if I don’t I will be hearing cries of starvation instead of whatever music we decide to play.
“Mommy, I want The Beatles,” says Peter.
“You got it”.
I enjoy the calm before the storm. The music is playing, the kids are eating. I can breathe.
I watch kids leave the middle school in droves.
I’ts hard to believe that I once went to this same school. I never thought I would end up living only six blocks from the house I grew up in.
Time is moving way too fast.
Peter starts yelling at Lizzy because she has finished her snack and now wants his.
“Come on guys, knock it off. Tom will be here soon, and then it’s time to do homework. Lizzy, don’t take Peter’s snack.”
“Sorry mommy,” Lizzy says in a very sweet voice. She may be a special-needs child, but she knows how to turn on the charm.
Finally I see Tom walking toward the car. His huge backpack makes him look like a Nepalese Sherpa.
Greetings are exchanged. Tom’s starts listing all that he has to do for homework. Peter is trying to get my attention, and Lizzy is singing in the background.
This is the portion of the day when everyone competes for my attention.
It is nice to have all my chicks with me again.
Finally home, I look around and see no repairman.
“I want to go outside.”
“I know Peter, but we have to do homework first. OK honey?”
“I want to go outside.”
“Yes. I know. Later, homework first.”
I check our messages, and wouldn’t you know it, the repairman called. Oh no, I missed him.
I call the service department, and they let me know that he’s running late and may not make it to my house until around 6.
Lizzy begins yelling about a princess lost in a forest.
She comes into my room angry that she can’t get a fifth dress over her head.
I try to listen to the women at the other end of the phone while my 10-year-old daughter with multiple special needs is getting progressively louder.
I consider rescheduling the repair appointment since I know the later it gets, the harder it will be for Lizzy to keep it together.
Peter is also now standing next to me asking for a hug.
Tom comes in and starts talking to me about a song he found on his iPod, either not caring or not realizing that I’m on the phone trying to get my dishwasher fixed.
The woman from the service department comes back on the line and lets me know that the repair man will be at my house in about a half hour.
I look at the troops, and though I question whether they will make it, I decide to keep the appointment. I really don’t want to go another day without my dishwasher.
I hang up the phone, and there’s a knock at the door.
Wow, that was fast.
All four of us run to the door.
Hooray. The cavalry has arrived.
Wrong. It’s just my mother.
She’s holding a huge bag filled with some very cute stuffed bunny rabbits that her secretary thought Lizzy would love.
Lizzy is now very happy and starts running back and forth putting the bunnies in her room.
As my mom walks in, she informs me that the repair guy is right behind her.
Wow, did I get lucky? The repairman and my mom. Life is good. The dishwasher will get fixed, and my mom can always go outside and play with the kids so they won’t get in the guy’s hair.
I smile warmly and inform the repairman that this is the home of the possessed dishwasher.
I even let him know that I have a blog of the same name and let him know all the great suggestions my readers have given me if in fact the dishwasher is beyond repair.
He laughs and asks me when the problem started.
Then he tries the dishwasher.
And this is when the possessed appliance displays its true colors and starts. Instantly.
I stare in disbelief.
How can this be? The stupid box has not blinked, lit up, made even a whimper in four days.
I just tried it a few hours ago.
I’m now laughing and claiming that it is in fact a genuine possessed appliance.
Tom is now hystercially laughing as well, and I grab the phone and call my husband.
“Joe, the repairman is here and you are not going to believe this. The dishwasher is working just fine.”
Joe is laughing on the phone, while Tom and my mom are hysterical.
I’m not sure what the repairman thought.
The repairman runs a few tests, and my mother comes in the kitchen.
“Mom I can’t believe this, it works perfectly now. It’s possessed.”
“Kathy, you know a dishwasher can’t really be possessed,” my mother says, very seriously.
Now Tom is laughing even harder since the idea that my mother has taken this whole thing seriously is just too much for him.
“Oh, no mom. It’s possessed. This thing did not work for four days. It’s possessed.”
“Well, it’s working just fine now ma’am,” says the repairman, not really quite knowing what to make of us all.
“This is impossible. This thing has not worked for three days.”
“Well, sometimes these thing happen.”
He leaves and I stare at the appliance for a while.
There is only one possible answer. The dishwasher reads the blog, and it was just toying with me.
lol I love reading your blog. 🙂 That would be seriously a shocker! I would almost feel like a nut with the repairman. Like “No seriously, I am not crazy.. it didn’t work!” With your blog and all that, I wonder what went through his mind. haha
Love the time with your kids, the sweet chaos. 😉
I felt a little nutty, but I wasn’t that worried, I was just so shocked, I mean it really didn’t work at all!! I can’t state that enough!!! Lol! Thanks so much!! Yes our life is sweet chaos! xo
YAY! First comment! That’s a first. 😉
So nice to see you first! Thanks so much!
Murphy’s law, right! I think Damian is toying with you. If he decides to stop working again you may need to call a priest instead of repair man!! LOL
A priest is an option to consider!! Damien likes to keep me on my toes!! Hugs right back to you! xo
Hahaha! What a fabulous ending, Kathy! You had me laughing throughout the story! Isn’t it crazy when that happens? I can’t name how many times I’ve cried to Steve about something not working or opening, and then he gives it a whirl, and voila! -it works 🙂
I’m so happy you have your beloved dishwasher back and ready for action. So cute that your mom, children and Joe got a good laugh too.
I love that you told the repairman about your blog name! 🙂
Wishing you a happy week ahead!!
Maria it really was so funny! I could do nothing but laugh!! Wishing you a very happy week too!! xoxo
Well, I sure hope that “Damien” decides to behave himself and keep working. Why is it that when kids see you on the phone they all have to talk to you right that minute, all at the same time??? Have a good week.
Thanks so much Susi! I hope Damien decides to behave himself too! You are right about kids, even a little baby knows to act up a bit when mommy gets on the phone!! Hope you have a great week too!!
that’s crazy funny! I hope the dishwasher doesn’t relapse .. or start toying with you again.
I too hope we don’t have a relapse!! Lol!! It’s a crazy appliance, I kid you not!! Thanks so much for the visit!! xo
Appliances. Electronics. Technology. They are all out to get us. Know this. Once you let the smoke out, they stop working. Whatever you do, don’t let the smoke out.
I guess I let the smoke out, I won’t let it happen again!! Lol!! xoxo
Oh no..I had a similar experience just the other day with the air-condtioning unit. Murphy Law. sigh….
Air conditioners love to toy with us too1!! It can really drive you nuts!! At least it gives us something to write about! Thanks so much! xo
Hilarious! Although, I gotta admit….I’m exhausted after reading about just a few moments in your day. Whew! Hats off to you and that possessed dishwasher for providing you more blogger folly. Happy Monday, friend! ☺
Thanks so much Larri!! Believe it or not I’m glad that the dishwasher decided to be possessed, it just confirms that I picked the right name for this site!! Lol!! Much love to you my friend!
This cracked me up – of course it will work fine when the repairman shows up! And it only makes sense since you have been writing this blog – it is posessed! I believe it. I’m visiting from VB Members to Remember. Let’s hope that it decides to work again for you.
Dayna I’m starting to believe this silly machine is really possessed! I think it did not like all the suggestions of turning it into a planter!! LOl!! Thanks so much for dropping by!
You are just going to have to give in and accept that this is life with your possessed dishwasher. I’m sorry, but I laughed while I was reading this as I could picture your face when the Joe turned on the dishwasher! I was right there in the kitchen with you, your mom, your kids and Joe!
Thanks for the laugh~
I think I’m going to have to accept it too!! It’s just possessed!! It was funny though, I’m sure the repairman thought I was crazy!! Love to you!
I give it two days before it stops working again, lol. I believe it is posessed, definitely 100% possessed and it truly makes the most excellent blog inspiration!
Catherine I think it got scared at all the suggestions last week about turning it into a planter!!! Lol!! Thanks so much for the visit!! Love you!
Yep, pretty sure the dishwasher reads your blog!
I love to toy with my mom that way… She takes everything literally, too.
I think so too!!! It is funny when moms take us so seriously, I hope I don’t do that to my kids when I’m older!! Thanks so much for the visit!
Oh Kathy – you crack me up! I wonder what your dishwasher would do if you had two aka a spare?
Leigh, I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that, just in case the dishwasher reads the blog again!!! Lol!!
Kathy you are something else, this dishwasher is really possessed 🙂 I thought that about my new washing machine, I had the service man in about 4 times, and then the last time, I was told all I had to do was take the screen off the back and clean it (WHAT) and then they charged me 75.00 because that wasnt under warranty. So I am right there with you.
I’m beginning to think it really is possessed!!! You must have been so mad at your washer, especially after having to pay 75.00! Thanks for the sympathy!! xo
it’s kind of like going to the doctor, and quite suddenly you’re not sick anymore.
….Just like your dishwasher. It has a mind of its own! Xxx
It is just like going to the doctor when you are sick and then bang, you are fine!! The dishwasher does have a mind of it’s own. It really is possessed! But, it’s been such a great muse that I can’t get to mad at it!!! Thanks so much for visiting, I just loved your beautiful site.
LOL! This cracks me up, Kathy. It’s just like when my car makes that funny noise that nobody understands when I’m describing it. Then my husband goes out to drive the car — all over town —- and it doesn’t make the noise at all. I get into the driver seat the very next day and it starts the noise again. Seriously frustrating… 🙂
It is so funny Rosann when that stuff happens, and I always have to think there is a reason for it. Possession seems to make the most sense!! Lol!! It is strange, but at least it gives us something funny to write about! Love to you! xo
🙂 Maybe it really is possessed. What ever will you do when it’s time to replace it?
Michelle, I’m never getting rid of it, I think when I’m 100 or so and leave this earth the dishwasher is going to be next to me!! Thanks for stopping by!! Much love! xo
Fear of becoming a plant holder on your front porch must have done the trick…you can send me a box of chocolates now! :O)
You deserve the box of chocolates Becky! You were the first one to suggest turning it into a planter and I don’t think it liked that one bit!!! Thank you, you scared it straight!!! LOl!! Sending much love and much appreciation!! xoxo
OK, score one for the dishwasher… but I predict the next move is war….
I have to laugh at the goings on while you were on the phone. If it makes you feel any better, even though I don’t have kids I know the feeling. My team at work thinks it is OK to just come into my office and start having a conversation with me while I am on the phone…-
Hilary you are so right about people at work doing the same thing as kids!! I think anytime a women is in charge the people around her revert to children!! Thanks for stopping by! Loved your wordless Wednesday by the way, very cool! xo
Kathy, thanks for starting my day with a smile! I’m glad I”m not the only one this has happened to…and your description of after school was perfect. One more thing we have in common-my kids go to the same middle school I did, too!
I didn’t know that Jennifer!! It’s strange isn’t it? When I went to open school night I felt like I was going through a flashback!! Thanks for the visit! xo
Now that I’ve read this, I’m hoping that everyone I’m waiting on today doesn’t try to call at carpool time! We’re closing on a house tomorrow in Florida, but we’re doing it from Texas…lots of phone calls & fed ex deliveries expected today!
Wishing you much luck on the move!! I’m sure you will have a very smooth move, since Damien’s been busy here, I’m sure there are no more plans on any other things being possessed for a while!! xo
This is hysterical! Every car I have ever had that needed something fixed on it, have behaved this exact way! I feel like the AAMCO commercial explaining all the crazy things my stipid car is doing, then the guy goes out and it drives like a dream, “That’ll be $200 ma’am!” Ughhh! So glad everything is working…for now! 😉
You really feel like you are going crazy when that happens don’t you? I felt like such a fool!!! Thanks so much for dropping by!xo
too funny!! Love how that always happens! 🙂 It’s like taking the sick kids to the doctor’s office and then having them run circles around you acting super happy and healthy!! Oy!! 🙂 Glad it’s working again though 🙂
I know it’s enough to drive you crazy!! And, I have had the sick, pitiful looking kids perk up just long enough to put on a great performance at the doctors office too!!! xo
Stopping by from VB!
That’s one hysterical post. it.
Glad to hear that for the meantime it’s on its best behavior.
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Kathy… still laughing (with you of course!) I can just picture all of this going on as if I was standing right there. May I suggest you video yourself trying to turn the dishwasher on the next time so you can show the repairman? LOL!
Carla I was planning on doing just that, and I will if it happens again!! Thanks for dropping by! xo
I always get to your blog late! There are like a million and one comments already before me – and it’s good for you but I want to be the first for a change. (I sound bratty, haha).
Okay listen Kathy, as much as I think you’re the sweetest person ever I WILL NOT step foot in your house if you’re dishwasher is there. Here’s the thing, that seriously freaked me out – a dishwasher that reads a blog. (Shivers)
It is creepy Anne!!! Love to you!!
Are you kidding me? When he got there it worked…I would have been livid! I did NOT expect that ending. WOW!!!!!
I was dying to tell you that on Tuesday, I thought you would have guessed it!! Crazy machine!!! xoxo
“His huge backpack makes him look like a Nepalese Sherpa.” Oh my goodness, this line is priceless! Tell me you didn’t have to pay for the service call! It sounds like your dishwasher is up to no good. It may be time to install a nanny cam and see what the old girl is up to when no one’s around! 🙂
Bella I love the idea of a nanny cam for the dishwasher!!! That made me laugh out loud!!! It is a crazy machine and I’m sure it was not happy about all the suggestions of making it into a planter!! Or perhaps it was just happy I wrote about it again!! Lol!
It’s kinda like when you take your car into the mechanic’s shop and it works just fine…
I love your dishwasher – and I love to read about your family! You know that thing will gasp along right until the last day of its warranty. 😉
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
xo Catherine
Hi Darling, I haven’t been keeping up with your blog, so sorry, life has been crazy to say the least. That dishwasher wanted the attention I guess, maybe now it will quiet down. Too funny. You even have new pictures up since I have last been on, they are beautiful. Been busy with parents and the granddaughter, she will be 8 mths. old soon. She is beautiful. I will try to take time to sit down and read your blogs, they always make me laugh or cry, sometimes both. All my love to you my friend, Jodi
I’m glad it’s working, but that is really annoying, I know how much of a pain it is to be without the dishwasher. Not fun to hand wash stuff. Here’s hoping it continues to run for your!