The mood in our house right now reminds me of my all-time favorite Staples TV commercial. The spot goes back about 20 years and features the festive Christmas song,”It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”
The commercial features an ecstatic father shopping for school supplies with his children. The children are slowly following behind, looking as if they are headed for death row.
The voice-over in the commercial says, “They’re going back!”
Tuesday is the first day of school in our little corner of the world. The first bus will arrive around 7:15, and off Lizzy will go to third grade. The second bus shows up at 7:35 to take my baby Peter away to first grade.
Less than an hour later, I’ll take my oldest, Tom, to middle school for seventh grade.
Oh Happy Day!
Or is it?
Now I realize that if you happen to be reading this while nursing one baby and holding another little one out of harm’s way with your leg the idea of six hours without children sounds heavenly.
I’m not going to lie. It ain’t bad.
But it wasn’t what I thought it would be either.
I would talk to my friends whose children were at school full time and be envious. They would talk about being busier than they ever thought they would be, and I would smile and nod. Deep down I would think they really had the life. No children home, the ability to shop and do errands without anybody crying, melting down, or asking for Oreos.
I would usually have to cut short the phone call or visit. I either had to pick someone up from preschool or rescue someone from the top bunk bed because it seemed like a good idea to climb up but not so much fun climbing down.
Last year Peter started full-time kindergarten. I had visions of long lunches, long workouts at the gym, cleaning rooms that haven’t been cleaned since I had him in 2005.
Turns out, my friends were right. Those six hours go fast!
With the start of school comes all that homework. I’m not talking about the children’s homework. I fully accept my role as homework cop. I’m grateful that I’m the one who gets to torture them and go over their weekly spelling lists.
I’m talking about the mommy homework.
There’s an endless series of forms to fill out and notices to keep track of for three kids, in three different schools. Then I have to get prescriptions for all three kids for occupational and physical therapy. After that I have to trek back to the doctors office because the original dates on the prescriptions were wrong.
Perhaps the biggest assignment is delivering the EpiPen, Benadryl, and inhaler to the nurse at Tom’s school to treat emergency flare-ups of Tom’s allergies and asthma.
Did I mention the notes from therapists and teachers? What about the endless teacher conferences? Or the stream of checks for PTA dues, class dues, gifts for teachers, class trips, subscriptions for various class magazines, and a million other things.
I’m tired just thinking of what’s in store.
Next come the phone calls I dread.
I have to say I really enjoy the summer break from the panic I feel each time the phone rings. Once school starts all that changes. Now when the phone rings, I have a pretty decent chance of finding out that someone bumped their head, fell asleep in the middle of class, or is having an allergic reaction.
The one I dread most is the yo-yo syndrome. This is when you send your little darling to school and the nurse calls to tell you that the child who looked perfectly healthy two hours earlier while he was torturing his brother is now sick as a dog.
Sometimes I get to enjoy a little pocket of time. I was able to start my blog once all three kids were in school, and I love being a full-fledged mommy blogger. I even have had the occasional long lunch or coffee date with a friend. It’s times like this that I feel extremely blessed and grateful for the life I have.
I like the crazy runaround pace of being an at home mom. Part of me is just wired for chaos. My house is cleaner when I have 10 minutes to clean it rather than when I have three hours.
The one real downside is that I’m going to miss my kids.
Please don’t tell them that. It will spoil my image. But I had a wonderful summer with them, especially my oldest, Tom.
For the first time in six years, Tom didn’t go to the full-day summer camp the school district has for children who need year-round academic support. His dyslexia always made him eligible to attend, and he always enjoyed it. He would spend the morning in the typical day camp and the afternoon working on his academic issues.
Tom did so well in sixth grade he was no longer eligible. While Lizzy and Peter were off to camp having a ball, I had Tom all to myself. For the first time since he was a baby I had some real one-on-one time with him. I loved it.
We would spend the morning walking with my dad, and then he would swim with friends or just hang out with them. Some days we would go for sushi or to the movies. I saw The Planet of Apes, Captain America, and The Zookeeper. All were movies I would never have attended had I not had a 12-year-old boy. I had a blast.
Now it’s all over. There are school supplies to separate and put in backpacks, pencils to sharpen, notes to write to teachers, and chaos to deal with.
As much as I love to complain, I am eternally grateful for my beautiful family.
But as Peter is now asking for popcorn for the 20th time in five minutes, the thought that I may be able to finish a thought come Tuesday has me agreeing with the Staples commercial: It is the most wonderful time of the year!
A great post! I always love knowing there will be a post from you on Sunday night. I am anxiously anticipating the day when my kids are all in school full-time! Only 1811 days to go! I’ve heard that it gets busier too, just in a different way. I love how you got to spend some wonderful time with Tom.
Enjoy your finished thoughts!
I agree. It is the most wonderful time of the year. My daughter told me she’s excited because she can’t wait until Tuesday. I said “me toooo”. She rolled her eyes.
My two boys are in Kindergarten and 1st grade now. I love my free time while they are school. Now if only I wouldn’t of volunteered for the PTA and have to keep going up there. lol No, I love it.
I’m your newest follower from voiceBoks!
Thanks so much for the great comments and support!! I have to confess I always get a little nervous the day before the start of the new year!! But happy too!! Thank you so much for visiting!! Much love to you all!!
We go back to school Tuesday too! I always have mixed feelings. Happy to have peace and quiet and time for myself for a bit and then sad that they are not around and the house is empty! It’s very hectic at the start of the year too with forms to fill out and adjustments in schedules etc. Good luck to all and best wishes for a GREAT first day!
We have been back for a month. And it was nice to get back into a routine. It is too hot to be outside anyways!! I love the new design!!! Ro did a fabulous job!!!
Enjoy the moments of mommyhood 🙂 I enjoy every moment I can because at one point when I was working full time I could never enjoy seeing her at plays or games or Christmas events or birthdays at school.
Wishing you a wonderful week,
We are 3 weeks into school. I work full-time, so my reasons for being happy school is back in is different from yours. My youngest is in 10th grade this year & I always hate leaving her at home by herself most of the day during the summer. Of course, she loved it…sleeping until 12 or 1 every day. It was hard getting her back on schedule of waking up at 6 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
oh, goodness, don’t I know it all! Especially the benadryl, inhaler and epipen drill. ANd with Irene, the school has been shut down due to no power, so he’s starting school without my getting that stuff to the nurse on time! A hurriane on top of all the forms is nuts. Well, hang in there. ANd get some quiet time as soon as they’re hte bus! That’s my second cup of coffee moment…
As much as I was looking forward to school starting, I do miss the days of summer. I took the kids to a party at the swimming pool this weekend. As I sat there watching them swim, I started missing the days of sitting there every day for swim practice and all the swim meets. As much as I complained about it – I can’t believe I’m missing those days! But I am.
You are so right about how fast those “free” hours fly by. I would say I only accomplish about half of what I expect to each day.
I’m so glad you got to spend that one on one time with your oldest this summer. It’s rare that we get so much alone time with any one of our kids and we have to cherish it! I know I do.
It sounds like you had a great summer! Now you can join me in complaining about the daily homework battles lol!!
Love ya!
I love that Staples commercial!
That aside, I know life can be easier when they are home for summer. No helping study for tests, asking if they did their homework, driving to school functions… etc. Hope yours have a great year, all that aside!
It’s so true! You would think that when you have the whole day to yourself that you could get so much done!! But the time seems to fly by soooo much faster when they’re all gone! And I too have 3 kids in 3 different schools .. so staying on top of that alone is a full time job! But YES! Absolutely! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Ro 🙂
You are now a member of the club. My free time was quickly eaten up when the school realized I had no young children left at home so I could be the class mom and field trip mom. Once you get branded as “the” mom for a teacher in need to call, you might as well kiss any free time goodbye. The funny thing is that I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The dreaded call from the school nurse. WHat happens to my kid between 830 and 1000 that turns her/him/the niece violently ill is beyond me!
I beg mine not to go to the school nurse unless they are actively vomiting or bleeding or something’s broken.
I have actively argued with the school nurse over something totally trivial. She hates it when I pull the “I am a nurse, too” ace from up my sleeve.
Just like you, for me, I’ve always had mixed emotions about the kids going back to school. And I’m right there with you on those FORMS we have to fill out. It’s sooooo ridiculous! The mayhem of the first few weeks will iron out and you will get into a smooth routine and enjoy your hours to yourself!
Agreed, back-to-school is a glorious time of the year. I just love everything about the fall season!
Oh Kathy… I hear what you’re saying but I still can’t wait to try it! Unfortunately I still have 2 years before that is my reality. I’m sure I’ll miss them. I’m sure I will. LOL!
Sounds like you’ve had such a great summer with the kids yet having SOME time for yourself is appealing…LOL! Bittersweet I suppose!
Happy Tuesday!
My mom had it worst of all. If I wasn’t having a real asthma attack, I was faking one, or forcing myself to throw up, to get out of school. I feel so bad for her now… And gosh do I hope my daughter is nothing like me when she starts school!
This year I dreaded them going back to school because I get so lonesome for the sounds of them being home!
My kids have been back to school for several weeks and it is still too quiet. But i must admit I’m getting used to it!
Your kids are so great….must be because of their cool Mom!
Hi Kathy!
Thank you for your well wishes and compliments on our little princess 🙂 Will try to update the blog whenever I can, do check out my Facebook page as I’m on FB more often 🙂
~ Jenny ( )
Fantastic Post 🙂 Happy Tuesday!
I just love you! Seriously, I do! I imagine the days when my littles will be off to school and I know that my dreams of sitting on the couch watching day time t.v. while eating bon bons are just dreams and that I’ll really be fielding phone calls, cleaning, and running errands and that 6 glorious hours will fly by and I’ll miss my little monsters for every stinking minute 🙂
Nice post! Ahhhh the calls from the school. At least yours are medical in nature. The behavior ones made me cry. Thanks for much-needed inspiration for what to write next…
Kathy, I remember that commercial! I always thought it was hilarious. The look on the kids’ faces is priceless! I know what you mean about somehow getting more done when you have 10 min than when you have 10 hours. It’s true. Perhaps we thrive on pressure. Try to enjoy a little time to yourself. Those notes and that cleaning can wait for an hour. 🙂
Thank you so much for all your great comments!! They went back today, and true to my post I spent part of the day having to go back to the doctors office to pick up another note for my sons medicine!! They did great though, Peter even handled his bus not comming and me having to drop him off!! Hopefull I will have some pictures of my cuties to bore you all with!!! Thanks again for the support!! Much love to you all!!
Oh how I can relate… except that I still have an almost 3 year old at home with me. I do admit I’ve had a daydream or two about being able to be a full fledged mommy blogger with my kids in school during the day. But…I also know I’m not ready to give up the tender kisses of my littlest one just yet and blogging can be done at the ridiculous hours of the night after everyone is asleep, right? 🙂 Hope everyone has a great first week of school.
Many blessings,
Oh I completely agree with you. School is a crazy time of year. I have five in three different schools starting and ending at three different hours. Sports, church, homework, socializing (?) and sleep take up all of their after school time. I have a small window of 5 hours to get anything done and it always disappears before anything is really accomplished.
Good post! Some people think a mom who stays home has such an easy life…it’s great you pointed out the million things you need to do…a stay-at-home mom is a working mom…she just doesn’t get paid in money!
The school year starts in June on this side of the planet and so I’ve been on school-mom mode for a few months now. I can SOOOO relate to your post. The feeling is not only mutual – it’s UNIVERSAL! 🙂
Ahhhhhh !!! All 3 kiddies are off to school … and it’s a crazy 2 hours getting the 3 of them to 3 different schools … I’m just like you!! But now they’re all at school. It’s quiet in the house. I’m blog hopping! And the world is perfect!!
TONS of love 2 u my sweetie!!
Visiting from membas to rememba at vB!!
Ro 🙂
ps … what a cute blog you have!! lol!
Ya know my Aunt/Best Friend/Sister/Mother/Co-Worker who is now deceased used to love that Staples commercial and I would just laugh at her. 10 yrs later I am now a Mom and when I see that commercial it makes me cry because NOW I truly understand where she was coming from.
Following from vB’s Member to Remember. Have a fab day!
I feel a little juxtaposed every Fall when I know the kids will be going back to school and leaving me with some quite, but then I find my self missing them and thinking that it will be only a few short years before I’m an empty- nester. Being a mom is so complicated! I loved your post! Visiting you from VB
The energy of the house certainly changes when school is in session. My daughter is 16 now and she just returned to school this week as well. Although I do work outside of the home my work day doesn’t begin until 9:30, so I have hours every morning to get everyone up and out of the house. I did enjoy the slow to rise energy of summer. I hadn’t really thought about it until I read your post, but you’re right!
Great one! Visiting from vB…already a follower 🙂
Stacey @
Kathy! First of all I love, love, love the new site and I have updated your blog button on my site. You know, this week, as you know I sent my firstborn to kindergarten. My girl goes to preschool in under two weeks and my baby is being a baby. But, yes, after three days, the house is different. I am still struggling to wake up at 5 a.m. every morning. I have found that it is the perfect time to do something for me. But, yes, that time flies and like you I dread the phone calls from school. When my daughter goes to preschool, I guess things will be quieter. Lovely to be here and getting my dose of humor.
I knew there was something different when I clicked here– you got a facelift! huh– awesome– it looks amazing.
I so feel you with the kiddos heading off to school– i look forward to that 715 bus honking and my little/big ones heading off to school but THEN I snap back to reality and realize I still have my little K that I homeschool and my little M that is still in the bed sleeping that will wake any moment now– ready for mommies full attention :). Wonderful post– I’m so glad I’m not the only one out there 🙂
It is funny to me that I cried the first day I sent my oldest to Kindergarten two years ago. This year I was counting down the days to the first day of school. Of course I love my kids but I could tell they were bored and wanted a new routine. I am always excited to get a little free time(although I still have younger ones at home) but I am always happy for 3 pm to roll around so that I can hear all about their day.
Hehe… I totally hear you with the “mommy homework!” I can’t believe how many medical forms are required nowadays, and it seems like they change every other day! Once I got a call from our preschool director saying that my son must be picked up immediately and could not return to school until he had some form filled out by the doctor which was supposed to be in his file, but for some reason, wasn’t. The doctor’s office said it would take 4-5 days to get the form filled out (the docs are REALLY busy, apparently), so I was pretty much panicking. And I didn’t even know he needed this form in the first place!
And his asthma medicine that we have to send to school with him… argh!!! Notes from the doc, prescription labels, an ACTION PLAN (whatever that is… even our doc’s office didn’t know), and a new form filled out every week by us that he might need to use the meds. It is a TOTAL NIGHTMARE.
I can’t imagine it will improve when he hits public school next year, but gosh, I’m really hoping it does. I’m completely lost in this sea of paperwork… and hey, if the DOCTOR’S confused, I can’t be that stupid! LOL
Dropping by from the voiceBoks members to remember! Have a great weekend!
Smiles, Jenn
lovely template!!! great!
Takes me back. I remember how I’d be ready to take one to piano, pick up the other from soccer, and barely make it to swimming lessons for the third, and if I didn’t hit every traffic light just right, we’d all be late, and never make anything, not to mention the cycle of picking everyone up! Something to look forward to;) Those were good times though when I look back, so treasure all of these wonderful moments you have with your kids:)
WOw, three different Schools? three different deliveries of Kids! You’ve got your hands full right there! Let alone everything else you have to do! Eek!
I love when school starts, because my children THRIVE on structure…more so than what I can give them during summer vacation. So they behave better after attending school for the short 5.5 hrs. each day.
Stopping by to say hi via the Members to Remember via voiceboks.
I could never agree less. How do you co-ordinate all that? Okay, I trust that hidden power somewhere in every woman. I promise you one thing though, you will look back some time in future, and you’d be so proud of what an amazing mama you’ve been.
Thanks guys!! I love to read everyones take on the back to school dance!!
Amber I find that my kids love the structure too! I also love it, though, I do have to say now that the first week is over the crazy mornings and the homework crazies are something that I wish I did not thrive on as much, I’m getting old!!!
As always, thank you everyone for taking time out of your day to come over, read and comment, you will never know how much it means to me!! Much love to you!
This was such a feel good post, kathy! It’s so funny, I just saw mention of that Staples commercial in another blogger’s post. I watched the commercial and was cracking up! Even though I’m not a Mama yet, I totally get it. You have a lot to juggle and you do it with such willingness and determination. I admire that. I admire that though hectic as ever, some days can be, you see all the good in your life. I think it’s awesome you went to the movies/got sushi with your son!! Moments like that, you will both always treasure!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment. It is such a comfort, knowing I’m no the only one who knows what it’s like to go through all this. 🙂
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and get some time to enjoy “the most wonderful time of the year” 🙂
Lots of love,
I can so relate to this. I love the freedom and flexibility of summer and so miss my kids when they go back to school.