If you are coming here from Bonbon Break, welcome. Thanks for clicking on the link from “Miracles in Mommyland”, this is one of my favorite pieces.
A few days ago I witnessed what can only be called a miracle: Peter, my six-year-old, had a 15-minute phone conversation with my father. Some of you may say big deal, and that is completely understandable, unless you have ever had a child who is speech delayed.
“I want to talk to Grandpa.”
All right, this will be fast, I thought. It was kind of cute, too because he saw his brother and sister talk to my dad and he wanted to be just like the “big” kids.
I could hear my father ask, “How was school today Peter?” I also heard a tone we all tend to take with Peter. A mix of sweetness and futility. It is not at all unusual for him to only give a one or two word answer, and that may only be after I have prompted him a bit. He has perfected the strong and silent persona.
I fully expected him to hold the phone for a second and then say, “I don’t want to talk, goodbye.”
“I was crying at school today Grandpa.”
Tom, my eldest, looked at me as if he had witnessed an alien abduction.
Tom and I continued to look at each other in wonder. We were also laughing. Not just because what he was saying was hysterical, but because Peter was laughing as he recalled his day in kindergarten.
From what I gather, Peter’s friends don’t like it when he bugs them. This prompted a talk with the school counselor. Also, if anyone is wondering, one should never try to jump off the roof of the play set or sleep in the grass as one of Peter’s friends tried to do. Though it will make a few kids laugh.
Most importantly, you “absolutely, never, ever, ever,” attempt to pee in the grass at school. Apparently, this is not “respectful.”
Thankfully it’s been confirmed by his teacher that Peter was not the one who attempted to pee in the grass. Alleluia and Amen.
I don’t know what was more entertaining, the conversation Peter was having with my dad, or the shocked, proud, and amazed looks Tom was giving me while we witnessed this unprecedented event.
“Mom, I didn’t even know Peter knew the word respectful.”
This is my third time dealing with a child with a speech delay. I know the wonder of witnessing the display of a skill that was feared would never be achieved. But it never gets old, I was thrilled.
I was also not surprised that my dad was the person honored with the hallowed conversation.
Why should I be the first person my youngest child graces with his longest conversation ever? I’m just his mother.
My dad is the rock star and definitely the headliner of the very loved and beloved trio of Grandma, Grandpa and my wonderful father-in-law “Grandpa Joe.”
If loving and spoiling grandchildren with unlimited love, time, and acceptance were a criminal offense, this trio would be sentenced to hard time.
What a beautiful gift to get the chance to see my parents and father-in-law develop such wonderful and close relationships with my own children.
Lizzy will jump up and stop whatever she is doing if grandma calls and asks if she wants to get a manicure. My dad and Tom have a standing dinner date each Wednesday. My dad takes Tom to the tutor and then they go for sushi. And Peter’s favorite thing to do is to got out to breakfast with grandma and grandpa.
If this is not enough spoiling, the kids also have a very doting grandfather in Joe’s dad. I have learned to watch what I say about what the kids like. After mentioning that my three little piggies devoured a whole steak one night my father-in-law ordered a shipment from Omaha steaks. When he learned they tasted and loved lobster, you know what got delivered a week later.
Just in case you were wondering, the packages were addressed to all three of the kids, not my husband and me.
A few months ago Joe and the boys went to our nephew’s hockey game with my father-in-law. Tom walked in after the game with a half eaten box of doughnuts.
“Did Grandpa Joe get those for you?”
“Yes, when we picked him up he gave Peter and I the box of doughnuts and some chocolate milk for the car ride to New Jersey.”
“Boy, are you guys spoiled.”
“Mom, that is exactly what I thought when I saw the Dunkin’ Donuts box. We are really lucky kids,” he said with a huge smile.
They most surely are. So are Joe and I.
I don’t know how we could handle all that is involved with the boys learning issues or Lizzy’s very serious neurological disorder without their very strong presence in our lives. They have helped us out so much with babysitting and carting children to events that we feel any minute we will be arrested for “elder” abuse.
A perfect illustration of just how much Grandma and Grandpa are loved happend last Saturday. At around 5:00 in the morning. While I was still asleep.
“Mommy, mommy. I want to go home.”
“Peter, for the millionth time, Grandmas house is not your home. You live in this house with Daddy, Tom, Lizzy and me.” I replied, half asleep.
” I don’t want this home. I want Grandmas home.”
“Well, there’s next weeks blog right there” my sleepy husband mumbled under the covers.
And so it is.
What a nice father’s day post .. the title reminded me of a Winnie the Pooh poem.
I had (have) wonderful grandparents, and am full of lasting memories. My kids are lucky to have awesome grandparents, too. I really think the blessing of a grandparents love is irreplaceable! Great post!
What a lucky family you have! Involved and loving grandparent are wonderful, aren’t they? We are lucky to have some too.
Grandparents, in whatever form or fashion, are such great blessings! My daughter is spoiled rotten by them.
I enjoy watching and listening to my children relate to their grandparents (we are visiting one set right now:). My 3 year old loves to call them… we live far away at the moment, so they read stories to her via FaceTime/Skype.
Thanks for sharing,
Kristina 🙂
I was never very close to my granparents since they all lived elsewhere, so it is a real joy to see my kids have such a great reltionship with all three of theirs! It so nice so many of you all had great reltionships with your grandparents, I was always a little jealous of my freinds who enjoyed a bond with theirs!
Thank you all so much for your great comments and support. I so appreciate it!!! Have a great week!
How sweet and cute that he feels so close to his grandpa, and can spontaneously speak with him on the phone like that! Love it! He’s very lucky to have such a great grandpa =)
Do feel blessed, your children are! My youngest children don’t have this blessing, speech delayed or not (one of mine is). How fabulous that your babies have this! I only hope I can be the grandparent that my parents are not to my own children! Sounds like your kids have what you and I were not blessed with! Good for them…good for you!
How totally awesome to have such loved, loving and involved grandparents! Cherish that 🙂 Your kids are so fortunate. I love that he had a conversation with grandpa. My kids are hard pressed to carry on a decent phone conversation EVER!
You’re very blessed to have such wonderful grandparents for your children…so loving and so supporting!
Grandparents are what wonderful childhood memories are made of 😀
What a beautiful post. I love that he poured out his school experience to Grandpa.
My autistic niece and nephew will occasionally say something that may seem perfectly normal to a stranger, but brings smiles and celebration as the story is told to our family, because we know what a long road it’s been.
I think there is such a special relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. I know there is no one in the world that loves or understands my kids like they do.
And lobster? Sign me up! That’s hilarious he addressed it to your kids.
There’s just something incredibly special about grandparents, isn’t there? Your children (and you) are blessed, which I know you know, as evidenced in this beautiful post. Makes me miss my Grandmas and Grandpas today. Thanks for sharing your heart. Happy Monday! ☺
You are so blessed! My kids don’t have a close relationship with my Dad or my husbands parents b/c they live so far away and rarely get to spend much time with them. Your kids are very lucky and it was sweet that your son picked grandpa to open up with!!
I never really knew or spent much time with my grand parents. As a grandma, it has always been important to me to be there for my grandchildren. It does take a village to raise a child. My two oldest grand children, both disabled are going to be here next week for a few weeks during their summer break. It is so worth the drive to Texas to pick them up to be able to be part of their life.
A wonderful post!
Ok, so much I love about this post! I LOVE how your husband knew the events led to a blog post 🙂 I LOVE how Tom was so proud of his little brother. I LOVE that Peter did NOT pee on the grass at school. But most of all, I LOVE how much they all LOVE their grandparents! As you know, mine hold a special place in my heart and it sounds like they do in your kids too!!!!
Kathy, I love everything about this post 🙂 It’s so nice that the kids have such great relationships with their grandparents and I love that they realize how lucky they are…too sweet!
When I was younger I was super-close with my maternal grandmother that lived right around the corner from us and I wanted to live at her house too! They moved to FL when I was about 6yo and we went to visit them for a month each summer until I was in highschool. My little one loves all of her grandparents and I’m so glad. She especially seems to love her “Nunny” (my maternal grandmother), they are so cute together and will play for hours. It just melts my heart 🙂
What a beautiful post! I wish my children had such a wonderful relationship with their grandparents – you and your family are very blessed.
Thank you for sharing!
What a blessing it´s not only great that they all get along and love each other but also that they´re close and get to spend time with them. Since we moved to Spain my kiddos haven´t been able to be with my parents and my husband´s passed away a while ago.
Enjoy them!!
Hope you have a great week, your friend from VoiceBoks
Lovely post. Love that your oldest was “shocked” in to appreciating his younger sibling. And peeing in the school yard….I know I shouldn’t laugh, but can you imagine being the teacher in the school yard who has to explain why NOT to pee in the yard. LOL. Found you on VB.
Great post…I too love that your oldest child was so interested and engaged in his little brother’s conversation!
Thanks for stopping by Always Just A Mom and for the sweet comment!
Have a great week!
I guess you can’t have spoiled grandkids without great grandparents. That’s their job, spoil our kids rotten and we as parents have to explain that they can’t have chocolate as a meal 🙁 Just kidding and thanks for the post. Visiting from vB.
have a Great awesOme Day!!!
First of all congrats on your son’s breakthrough! My best friend has 2 boys with speech problems, so I know how exciting it can be when it finally clicks!
As for how much your boys love their grandparents, my daughter is the same exact way. I’m glad they are such a huge part of her life and that she loves them so much, but sometimes it’s like…hey! LOL
Aww! I was really close with my father’s parents, they pretty much raised me and my sister. It’s really amazing to have such a close bond with your grandparents 🙂
yay for grandparents. we’re blessed to have all of family in the same town. my kids love their grandparents so much and they play big roles in their lives. we feel very lucky. http://homesandbabies.blogspot.com
This is an amazing post.
I believe there is no greater gift we can give our children than the sense of feeling loved.
Your three little ones are absolutely blessed with that feeling. x
Oh puleeze Kathy, I so love your blog! And your family stories are hilarious! Come on, the kid is talking about peeing in the grass! And I love how this was discussed with his grandfather. It does make one wonder if said grandfather has been guilty of teaching the little one this fantastic skill (because if we could whip it out and pee in the grass, would we not!) Oh, and by the way, I so would get my groove on with you! So don’t feel neglected, I gots my eye on you baby! xoxoxo Thanks for all your support and encouragement! It does mean so much to me!
Grandparents are a tremendous blessing to grandchildren and their adult children alike. I only knew one of my grandparents, but my two oldest kids got to know all four and my two youngest know two of them. I am so glad that they are growing up with the special bond that only a grandparent can give.
Samantha from vB
Awesome post. I wanted to hug your dad! Granparents are one of the best gifts we give our children. Yea for him! I found you via voiceBoks. Stop by and see me at http://mynuggetsoftruth.blogspot.com/
I love this! I can’t wait to hear my little man have a phone conversation too. 🙂 Sounds like you have terrific parents – your kids are so lucky! (and mom too!)
So glad to hear he wasn’t the one peeing in the grass! Hahah!
P.S. I would love to hear what you’ve done at home to support/encourage/help the talking. Thanks!
How wonderful that the kids have such involved grandparents. I’m thankful my girls have my dad and they also have ‘stand-in’ grandparents who treat them just like their own grandkids.
It is definitely amazing to see (or hear) each milestone a kid accomplishes, no matter how many times you’ve seen it before. Our middle daughter was slightly delayed with her communication, nothing too major, but if you hear her now (at 3 yrs. old) she’s talking up a storm.
And that last part of your post is too precious! lol 🙂
How awesome! Its nice toknow even when they start togrowup they still have milestones.
I cried through this post for several reasons. First today was the first really really proud mom moment today as I watched my son pull himself up. While rolling over and smiling are all wonderful the pulling up confirmed to me that he is a little person and his journey has begun. I cried tears of I am so happy for you to have that moment and to beam , I love how the childrens minds work and how all your children have 100% their own way of doing things. They will all leave such a special mark on everyone’s heart who come across you on the web or in real life. And I cried for the support you have. Can I move to your street and ask to be pseudo adopted please? I love my parents but my parents are the type to give us space and come when asked and then my inlaws well they are selfish and lets leave it at that. I just wish for the doting ones but maybe this is my test! Thanks for always being an inspiration Mrs! I would just love to have you over and drink a glass of wine on the back porch maybe float around the pool and just chat! xoxo
My kids constantly ask to go live at their Nana and Papa’s house. I’m beginning to get a complex.
Such a sweet story about your boy!
Thanks for your comments! Always fun to “meet” a new blogger!
Thank you all so much for the great comments!! It’s intresting how our reltionship with our parents can change when they become grandparents! I’m thankful that for me and my parents it has been so healing and so fun!!!
Again, I thank you all for the support I get here. It means so much to me that you all take the time to read and then leave such wonderful comments! Thanks again!! Much love to all!
I don’t have to tell you that you are blessed, but as a grandma myself, you have blessed your parents and Father-in-law too. When the children finally grow up, become independent and leave the nest, an emptiness arrives, but is quickly replaced by the joys and sounds of our grandchildren. Those sweet calls from your children to their Grandpa truly is one of those great gifts that is better than anything you can wrap up! Love your story Kathy, thank you for bringing those sweet tears to my eyes. Visiting from VoiceBoks!~Lisa
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What a beautiful experience, made extra special by sharing it with us! This journey we call parenting can be the most frustrating AND the most fulfilling journey EVER!
RJ, the Hope Coach
What a sweet story! My son had a speech delay, so I know what a big deal that 15 minute conversation was. Grandparents are wonderful. I had mine until about three years ago, and I miss them every day still.
Aren’t we so blessed to have grandparents! That is so awesome that Peter is doing so well in his speech. What a crowning moment that is to any parent!
Great post! You are a talented writer, Kathy! And I love your gratitude for the grandparents. Blessings, and thanks for visiting Susanna’s Apron!
Lisa (from VoiceBoks)
Aw! Love it! There is nothing like a grandma & grandpa! Great Post!
Grandma are Grandpas are a treasure! I wish I had more time with mine! Visiting from VB!
It never ceases to amaze me at the comfort and feeling of ‘sisterhood’ I get to feel after reading fellow bloggers posts. My granddaughter is also ‘speech delayed’. She is almost two, and I think she says maybe three words. It gives me hope, reading this post. Thank you…oh, I was dropping by from voiceBoks.
I LOVE your writing style! It makes me laugh, smile, and feel akinned to you all at once! Your children are beautiful treasures, and I am so grateful you share special moments like this with your readers!
Stopping by from VB
Hi Kathy, your blog and your writing style is very unique which makes you different from others. Very good job.
I am Bushra Syed from voiceboks:
Let’s follow each other and stay connected forever.
Having two brothers who grew up with speech impediments I can imagine how incredible that conversation your son had with his grandpa must have been! Thank you for sharing such a special moment with us.
Thank you also for stopping by my blog…I am following you back now.
Your so lucky that your father is still her. It doesn’t Feel Like It but my father has been gone 2 years now. If You Could wish For The Perfect Father That Would Have Been My Father. sweet , Thoughtful, Funny , strong. I Followed everywhere As A Kid. And Admired Him As An Adult. My Sons Felt The Same way Your Son did About My Father. Thanks For Visiting My Blog. Anna
Lovely – and what a blessing to have such a family heritage of support!
Awesome! At least he started talking to someone! My kids often will talk to someone else or dad before they talk to me! I don’t really mind, as long as they feel comfortable to talk to someone. I guess we take turns, now that I think about it!